Body Pains

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Michael's Pov~

I was currently at the general store for Y/N and a bit for myself, mostly her though, poor thing got smacked by mother nature hard so she refuses to leave the bed. After making sure I got everything, I went back to the apartment and noticed from the outside that the lights were off? 'did she go somewhere?' unlocking the door and making my way in I heard small whimpers coming from the couch.

"babe?" I cooed as I turned on the lamp instead of the main light, once on I saw she was curled up on the couch under the small blanket I normally leave on the couch. going to the couch with the store bag in hand I kneeled down where her head was and petted her gently, she looked up at me with sleepy eyes. "Hey baby I got some stuff for you" I dug in the bag and brought up each item so she could see, some pain pills, her favorite chocolate which she snatched out of my hand the moment she saw it, and the items she uses when she has to well change.

"juice?" she told me 'aw shit knew I forgot something' she likes to drink this certain flavor juice that helps her with cramps, "I forgot I'm sorry, want me to go back out and get it?" she shook her head and reached out and tugged at my hoodie, "you can talk babe I'm right here" she just rested her head on the couch pillows and her eyes started to close slowly.

smiling softly as she fell asleep, I pulled out the last item from the bag slowly and set it up, being careful I set the temp to medium-low and placed it under her, yep bought her a heating pad. once it got warm I heard her let out a content sigh in her sleep, I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Letting her sleep, I left real quick to get her juice so when she woke up she would have it, once I got back I put it in the fridge, and started making something to eat for the both of us, in the middle of cooking I had my back turned so I didn't see she had woken up and was slowly walking towards me until a felt something on my back, I turn around to see Y/N had slumped on my back and had the small blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hey babe you hungry?" she let out a small yawn while nodding her head, she stayed leaning on my back while I finished cooking "babe I went out anyway and got your juice it's in the fridge if you want it" I felt her move away from me and took one step she let out a painful gasp and slumped on me again 'oof that bad today'  i don't wanna move to cause her any more pain but I gotta set the plates. "babe think you can make it back to the couch? food is ready and I'll bring you, your juice" I heard her whine and slowly wrap her arms around me. "I know baby your hurting right now but it only be for a minute I promise"

She let go and made her way back to the couch, I set up our plates and got the juice out, then made my way to her, "cooked ya favorite" I said waving the plate in front of her, she was sitting up on the couch, she took the plate from me and started to eat slowly.

I finished my food before her since she was taking her time, "Hey babe, want me to run you a nice bath?" she let out a small hmm, then shook her head no, once she was done I got up and collected the dishes, she was falling asleep again, I quickly washed the dishes and headed back to her picking her up in my arms and heading towards the bedroom.

Right as I reached the bed she woke back up and started to squirm in my arms, "hey babe easy! what's wrong?" She got out of my grasp and rushed to the bathroom, "ah that's why" I sat on the bed waiting for her to come out, after some time she walked out looking drained "ugh make it end" she whined and flopped on my bed, I rubbed her back gently, "gotta love the human body babe" she let out a small groan, "be glad your a damn male" she turned her head towards me and gave me a death stare I only laughed and helped her up.

"You wanna do anything since your more awake?" She shook her head and lightly pulled me more onto the bed with her, "no just stay with me until I fall back asleep please" getting in bed with her, I held her close as she cuddled onto my chest with a small yawn and a smile on her face.

"Sweet dreams babe" I kissed her forehead as she drifted asleep.

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