Y/n Bio

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Name: Y/n L/n or Gracie [In the upcoming Story Book]

Eye Color: Ocean Blue

Hair Color: Jet black

Gender: Female

Age: Unkown

Height: 5'2 [If she and Michael stand side by side she comes up to the male symbol on his hoodie]

Species: Half-Human/Half-Angel

Siblings: Armaros [Older Brother]

Holy Item: Hair bracelet that gives her angelic powers.

Singing Voice: Mix between Sarv and Ruby's *New*

Power Drawback: Body starts to freeze

Punishment: Can not return to heaven until she retrieves an important soul.

Best Friends/Friends: Sarv, Ruv, Tabi, Keith, Cherry, Aldryx, Agoti, CJ, Garcello, Annie, KOU

Has Astraphobia: Fear of Thunder and Lighting [look it up it's a thing]

Story: Y/n was a well-respected angel up in heaven, she had many friends and never failed to get the job done, she was also close with her older brother Armaros.

When not needed Y/n and Armaros would be hanging out either goofing off, singing, or just flying around. Until she saw the change in Armaros she never questioned him but she did notice his wings, she would help clean them the best she could.

One day Armaros approached Y/n begging and pleading for her to help him, Y/n angel's duty is to save lost souls or bring back those that had their life ended abruptly.

Armaros had told her he had shot a human killing them by accident and if the more powerful angels found out he would be sent out and be damned.

Y/n wanted to help her brother but she was bound she was only allowed to save or bring back those when told to she can't just go around and bring back whoever.

During the conversation, Armaros was casted out . . . Right in front of Y/n . . . she witnessed his fall.

After that Y/n was informed a soul that was supposed to enter heaven never arrived, they think it got lost or maybe something happened to the body, Y/n was given the task to retrieve that soul and guide it to heaven.

She couldn't do it. . .

Until she did her angelic powers were cut in half and the rest were put in a hair bracelet.

She is not allowed back up until she retrieves that soul. . .

For the time being she lives with Sarv helping out in the church and still doing her angel duties when given, she can still help lost ones she just can't return.

Before Armaros was casted out he was informed something had happened to Y/n during one of her soul-saving runs, he rushed to the healing section to see Y/n was strapped down on her stomach, her wings were out but one looked badly damaged and electricity could be seen emitting off it. Y/n was harshly thrashing about on the bed due to the wing shocking her and they need to perform an emergency wing removal.

Armaros was called in to help keep Y/n calm.

He tried his best while they started to cut open her back a little to fully get the wing out, she couldn't stop screaming in pain and ended up passing out, once done and stitched up, a new wing would grow once her back was finished healing.

One of the medics told Armaros, that Y/n had been hit by a strong lighting bolt, it nearly knocked her out of the sky but managed to land on top of a building and called for help right before the wing that got struck started to electrocute her.

Info Bits:

- Is somewhat a crybaby

- Hates Onions

- Not a fan of spicy/hot foods

- Loves to cook

- Bracelet helps her sing challenging notes

- Doesn't need to use a mic her voice carries

- Stays at Michael's apartment more often due to Sarv's place can get chaotic

- Secretly blames herself for what happened to Armaros

- Loves to give Michael Eskimo kisses

- Gets extremely shy if she has to meet a lot of people at the same time [Example in Family Time chapter]

- Is able to understand Keith when he beeps/boops

- Wishes Michael and Armaros could become friends

- Doesn't like to be frightened

- Hates it when Michael gets his ghosts to scare her

-Prefers to sleep on Michael's chest as she thinks he's very comfortable to sleep on

-If super angry/riled up she paces around a lot and her eyes flicker different colors [Example in Helping You Chapter]

-Armaros used to sing for Y/n whenever a thunderstorm was happening to help calm and put her to sleep *New*

Lore Incomplete . . . . check back soon [6/15/2022 Last Update]

"If it was an option, I would give it all up to help not only him but Michael as well" - Y/n

"She's all I have left. . . the only one that didn't abandon me, just wish I could do more for her" - [Redacted Name] *New*

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