A/N - Slight changes

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So here's the thing


Are now closed until I open them, the ones I have now are piling up and I feel bad about it so until I get them out of the way, I won't be accepting any more requests.


After I publish the ones I have in drafts I won't be making lemons anymore I honestly just see BB X Reader aka Gracie as a cute fluff couple.

I make a lemon and I just

Y/n / Gracie

She went under a redesign and I love it
Not much changed just her eyes, shirt, and shoes but it's still nice
Credit to Jinx for helping

This is what she looks like now

This is what she looks like now

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Because of her new look, gonna try and get a new cover made, if any of you want to make a cover for the book you're free to do so and I'll change the cover and give you credit on the book info page :3

Other things

Before anyone asks and or maybe thinking it
Yes, I'm aware of.. what going on on Twitter if anyone has seen that, no I did not make this A/N because of it.

If anyone is curious it's about people not respecting KittyPop and her boundaries about she doesn't want NSFW of the original BB and Armaros
That's all I'm gonna put, I do not wanna get into it or talk about it
Moving on-

I have another week off from work and it's coming up very soon, so during that week i will be working on chapters that should have been out long ago and requests.

I ask you, guys, something though, is there a chapter you wish to see redone?

If so let me know

Like i re-worked the Worry part one and part two and it looks a lot better

That's about it really i might have forgotten to put something 
OH one more thing

Sonic style Y/n / Gracie

Down below is two artworks of her as a Red Panda

Down below is two artworks of her as a Red Panda

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Credit to Shelly and Jinx for theseOk now that should be all >w >Maybe i don't knowwatch i hit publish and then i go"SHIT i forgot to say this or that" lol

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Credit to Shelly and Jinx for these
Ok now that should be all >w >
Maybe i don't know
watch i hit publish and then i go
"SHIT i forgot to say this or that" lol

A friendly reminder though:

BB and Gracie my OC is a NON-CANNON SHIP

Now I'm done >w >??

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