Playful Love

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Michael's Pov~

Letting out a small yawn I was on the couch, it was getting late but I was too interested in what was happening in front of me to head to bed. Y/n was on the ground playing with Mew and honestly, I thought it was adorable. Times she would lean forward and nuzzle the little guy and all he would do is lean forward to her and nudge his head on hers.

Right now she was teasing him with a feather toy sliding it around the ground and he would try to swipe at it "oop almost got it! over here now!" I laughed a little at the scene while holding back another yawn, without me knowing started to fall asleep my head tilting over some.

Y/n's Pov~

"Gosh you are too cute," I said giggling as I scratched Mew under his chin getting him to purr, whenever I would pull away he would move closer asking for more. "hehe no more little guy it's getting late," I said and looked up to see Michael had fallen asleep on the couch, think he just fell asleep cause I heard him laugh just a moment ago, getting a silly idea I gently picked up Mew and walked towards Michael.

"Operation cat attack" I whispered and tapped Michael's cheeks with Mew's paws for a bit, Michael started to stir in his sleep but didn't wake up. getting another idea, knowing how much Mew loves Michael, I held him up, and Mew started to lick Michael's nose with his little tongue. Michael laughed a little in his sleep, it warmed my heart to see that.

He still didn't wake up and I don't wanna leave him out here on the couch so last attempt, I grabbed Mew's feather and slowly and carefully placed it in Michael's shirt where his chest hair was slightly seen, I wiggled the toy a bit getting Mew's attention.

He jumped on Michael's lap and started to paw at the feather, I tried my best to not laugh as I wiggled the feather to keep making him paw at it while also baping at Michael, was too busy playing with Mew I didn't notice Michael had woken up.

Michael's Pov~

I kept feeling something hit my chest over and over and faint giggles, I woke up to see Y/n had stuck one of Mew's toys in my shirt and making him paw at it, she didn't notice I woke up so without hurting Mew I grabbed Y/n by the waist and pinned her down on the couch.

"So had fun getting Mew to beat me up?" I told her laughing a bit she giggled while looking up at me. "maaaybe you did look cute when we got you to laugh in your sleep love," she told me and I felt a blush coat my cheeks "Well I think a payback is in order" while keeping her pinned I grabbed the feather out of my shirt and started to tickle her face with it, causing her to let out a fit of giggles.

While doing this I didn't see Mew appear above her head and he started to paw at the feather and when he missed his little paw would hit her face just causing her to laugh more making me chuckle.

Man I love these two so much, after a bit Mew gave up and went off somewhere, I had stopped to give Y/n a break, she was still giggling a bit while catching her breath. "you sleepy yet babe?" said leaning down and playfully nibbling at her neck. "hehe a little but I can't move with you pinning me down love" I heard her say I wrapped my arms fully around her and once I knew I had a good grip, I sat up bringing her with me to bed.

"No funny stuff in bed missy" I warned her as I placed her down on the bed with me still hovering over her a bit "or what?" she joked and managed to get the feather and started tickling my nose a bit with it, I shook my head and let out a small sneeze . "awe" she cooed and gave me an Eskimo kiss, I looked away from her to flustered to say anything. She giggled while rolling us over so she is on top and cuddled onto my chest while getting comfortable, "love you Michael" I heard her say then I saw Mew jump on the bed he curled up near us and started to fall asleep, I softly smiled before resting my head back and wrapped an arm around Y/n while the other one reached over and petted Mew, "love you too"

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