Michael x Fem Werewolf Reader

566 6 5

Requested By: SamanthaTorres690

Warning I got carried away

This chapter is LONG

6144 Words

With that said
Let's start

Y/n's Pov~

I had gone out to get some missing ingredients I needed to make something special for Michael, he had another attack recently so I decided to make him the mozzarella cheez-it squares again he really likes them.

"Think this time I'll use these since he likes this flavor a lot" I mumbled to myself as I picked up a box of white cheddar cheez-its, I also grabbed a few other things as mozzarella, my favorite tea brand, and a little treat bag for Mew.

Once I was done and paid for everything I decided to walk back since it looked nice outside, I had just cut through the park as it's a quicker way back to the apartment that's now just two blocks down and around the corner.


I slowed down to a stop as I heard low rustling and what sounded like growling coming from a bush that's by the park gate, I quickly glance around and down the street I saw three figures that looked around Keith's height if I listened you could hear slight laughter.

And in the park, I just came out of on the far other side were some people still, my attention went back to the Bush that rustled again, a small whimper emitted from me as I started to worry and began to walk again.

Right when I moved the rustling got more aggressive and the growling got louder, I quickly stopped and decided to speak up.

"W-whos there? this isn't funny!" Wishing I asked Michael to tag along it was now eerie quiet as the Bush and the growls Completely stopped.

I stayed still for a good full minute then decided to just speed walk to the apartment the moment I made movement the rustling and growl returned and something BIG jumped out of the bush, landing on top of me knocking me down.

It wasted no time to chomp down onto my arm making me scream out in pain, I tried to get whatever it was off of me as I sobbed out in pain but that only made it bite down harder.

"HEY!" A voice sounded and three gunshots fired making the creature stop its assault and look over at who fired.

Taking a look on top of me was a big black-like dog, with crimson red eyes, blood was seen on its muzzle from when it bite me, it let out a growl towards the person and then ran off.

"Damn that was weird H-hey! Y/n you ok!?" I look over to see it was Pico, he quickly ran over and helped me up but started to panic. "Oh shit your arm" I look over and see my arm had huge bite marks, if the dog bite harder it might have taken my arm off

"I-i'm ok Pico thanks for helping me," I told him as he quickly dashed around helping me pick up the groceries that fell from the attack.

"You sure? that looks bad Y/n, me and my friends can escort you home if you want" I smiled and told him I would like that, seems he and his two friends were the group I saw down the street and Pico ran over once they heard the commotion.

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