Trapped [Part Two]

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Michael's Pov~

Y/n was silent as we looked for Bonnie bowl, we saw a huge Bonnie picture with him holding up a bowling ball but we needed to find the elevator to reach the next floor. "Babe you still embarrassed about what Sun said?" Her eyes darted towards me real quick then back in front of her. 'heh cute' Going behind her I wrapped my arms around her waist making her stop. "I know it's soon but think about mini us running around babe" I teased kissing her cheek, she blushed more and tried to squirm away. "Babe calm down I'm joking! it's way too soon for that kind of talk" I laughed letting her go then stood in front of her. "But when the day comes I hope your the one I see walk towards me down the aisle"  gave her a loving gaze as she nearly [literally] exploded.

"You're too much sometimes Michael . . .l-let's go find Bonnie bowl" she mumbled out shly, giving her a soft smile I held her hand as we continued looking for an elevator.


"Babe, do you hear some clanking noise? I have been hearing it but I never see the source" I asked turning to her she nodded her head confirming she had also been hearing it, "FINALLY!" up ahead we spot an elevator, we get in and make the elevator go up, "we really need to find the map desk this place is huge" I said looking at the pictures in the elevator.

I let Y/n step out first and I was right behind her just I wasn't really paying attention until Y/n let out a scream.

"Hi! please take this map" a yellow and white bot showed up suddenly grabbing her by the shoulders to get her to stop walking. she had dropped the items she got from Freddy in the process, once the bot let her go she quickly turned around and clung to me.

"Please take a map"

'i'm so filing a complaint' i thought looking at the bot as it got a little closer while holding out a map, I wrapped one arm around Y/n to try to comfort her while the other reached and took the map.

"Enjoy," it said then wheeled away to scare some other poor soul, 'at least we have a map now' I thought while opening it and I mentally facepalmed, the map said Bonnie Bowl was closed for remodeling.

I put the map away and slowly pulled Y/n off me and looked at her, "you ok babe?" She didn't reply and just started to sob quietly, I pulled her back in for a hug she was frightened three times in this place.

"There you are! . . . what is the matter?" I look over to see Freddy walk up to us, I kept my arms around Y/n as she sobbed into my chest.

"Map bot," I told Freddy he looked over and saw the same bot just frightened another person.

"Oh dear we've been telling the staff to do something about how map bot hands out their maps, I do apologize if it's alright with Lady Y/n I would like to perhaps give her a hug"

Freddy said looking towards Y/N with a sad worried expression, I leaned down and whispered to her, "babe Freddy is here he wants to give you a hug" she lifted her head up a bit and looked towards Freddy, the said animatronic kneeled down a little and held out his arms inviting her for a hug.

I let go of her as she went to hug Freddy, I watched as he patted her on the head, "I apologize that they frightened you Lady Y/n but please don't let that ruin your experience here at the pizza plex" he said pulling away, he wiped away one of her tears rubbing her cheeks gently.

"Much better no more tears, I do have something for you, I gave you the wrong Faz-watch when you came to visit me" Freddy held up Y/n's arm slightly revealing the faz-watch she had gotten earlier, he unclipped it and put on the new one.

"There this faz-watch is for special guests, this one I can talk to you from the watch itself and it's built with a map so just check the watch if you need to find a location and last" he pressed a little bear icon on the watch.

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