Furry Surprise

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Michael's Pov~

"Michael it's gonna be ok, breathe love" I was currently having another attack, and this one was pretty big, Y/n refused to leave my side even for a second she was rubbing my cheeks gently wiping away my tears. "Michael, can you make eye contact with me?" I couldn't do that my eyes were tightly shut while the tears escaped, my body was trembling, I felt Y/n remove her hands off my cheeks then she pulled me close to her hugging me.

I was in the bedroom fixing my hat when it started and Y/n was in the bathroom just finished getting dressed, she rushed to me when I let out a small scream and fell to my knees as the attack started.

Y/n never let go and started to rock us back and forth "Everything will be ok love" I felt her comb her fingers through my hair as she spoke "you will be ok" she slowly pulled back and saw I had opened my eyes and was looking right at her, she smiled at me softly and placed her hands on my cheeks again rubbing small circles on them while wiping away the tears. "see I'm right here love, I'm not going anywhere"  she leaned close and gave me an Eskimo kiss.

"T-thanks babe" I managed to speak which earned a bright smile from her, I pulled her back in for another hug while letting out a breath of air as I had been holding it in for years, finally feeling comfort again.

((Few days later))

"You have something to show me?" Y/n had been acting pretty . . . suspicious and I have no clue why, until today she announced she had a surprise to show me but the deal was . . .i had to be blindfolded while she took me to it. "Please Michael, it won't be for long I promise," she asked while holding up the blindfold. Sighing I slowly nodded making her giggle, I took the blindfold and tied it over my eyes. Once she made sure I couldn't see she guided me to the location.

"Babe are we there yet? felt like we went pretty far" she was holding onto my arm making sure I didn't crash or bump into anyone or anything. "Yep! it's coming into view now, your gonna love it!" she cheered I reached up to start taking off the blindfold when she pulled my hand down. "Hey NO! you wait mister!" chuckled a little but agreed. Y/n had guided me through a door because I heard a little bell go off as we entered.

Her voice and someone else's was mumbled because she told me to stay where I was and walked off, after a bit, she returned and lightly pulled on my arm. "all set your room is number 7 enjoy!" Another voice sounded Y/n said thank you and continued to guide me. "Ok babe seriously can I take this off now?"

I was told not yet, in the area I heard other people but they sounded close but far? as in another room. "ah there it is!" Y/n said she guided me and said she was gonna place me down on a chair so she slightly pushed me backward and I instantly knew I was on a bean bag chair. "Can I look now?" I shook my head getting impatient "annnd now!"

Finally, I took off the blindfold blinking a few times to clear my vision, Y/n was right in front of me sitting and she had a cat on her lap, and two were laying down beside her, just then a little calico one jumped on my lap. "Babe . . ."

"Booked us a room at a cat cafe love. .thought you would need it" I glanced around and the room we were in had all sorts of cat items such as pillows, toys, cat towers, etc, another cat jumped on my lap joining the calico one it was a Turkish Angora cat with very pretty white fur. "hehe seems your popular love" I was petting the two cats, I look up and my eyes widened Y/n was literally surrounded. "Me? you got five with you babe" she just giggled as one licked her cheek.

We played with the cats for a good hour, our time was up but Y/n quickly left and came back saying she got us another 30 minutes, when she returned I gently put down the kitten I was holding and went to hug her tightly followed by a kiss. "babe you are amazing, thank you" she smiled at me while cupping my cheeks. "I just want to see you happy Michael"

I reach up placing my hands over hers holding them in place on my cheeks as I give her a loving look, I pull her arms forward making her move closer and into a kiss. we break apart after a bit and go back to playing with our new furry feline friends.

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