Safe with you

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Michael's Pov~

I was worried about Y/n a nasty thunderstorm was happening and she wasn't with me in the apartment. She had gotten another angel mission to do and went out to finish it, but that was before the storm hit. some lighting could be seen striking down in the far distance 'hope she's ok' i thought to myself as I watched the storm, Mew was purring while sitting on me, I was petting his head gently.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

I check my phone to see Y/n was calling

"Hey babe, you ok?"

"Michael help me"

She sounded very scared

"Babe! what's wrong where are you?!"

I heard her let out a scream at the same time, a lightning strike hit

"Babe! answer me, baby, are you ok!?

I was freaking out she wasn't replying but she was crying.

"Michael . . p-please help me!"

"Y/n breathe for me ok doll, send me your location ID from your cell and I'll be on my way" she quickly agreed and sent me the ID, I remained on the phone as I rushed to put my shoes on. "Ok, I'm heading out now do you wanna stay n the phone?"

She quickly said yes, I tried my best to bring up fun topics anything to calm her but that got ruined whenever lighting struck somewhere in town, this storm was very bad. "Hey babe remember when Agoti forgot to add sugar into his cupcakes?"

I heard her let out a tiny laugh

"y-yeah and he made fun of T-tabi when he made Tri-berry muffins"

I smiled knowing she let out a laugh but frowned when she started to cry.

"M-Michael are you close?"

I checked the phone and I was a good five minutes away

"Close babe I'm five minutes away, I won't stop moving until I reach you ok, are you inside a building somewhere?"

"N-no! I couldn't open the d-doors, I'm huddled in a box I saw under a staircase"

. . .oh babe

"you know . . . if you can get into a box. . . that means your my cute little angel"

I heard her let out an annoyed sigh

"Come find me please so I can hit you"

I let out a laugh

I jumped when a big thunder boomed and another lightning struck nearby, like CLOSE nearby, when I jumped I fumbled with my phone dropping it. 'shit!' I quickly grabbed it, a miracle it didn't break but the rain messed it up and the call got ended.

"fuck!" ok . . need to think according to the map she's around the corner somewhere, I put my phone in my pockets as I jog around the corner looking for a staircase that has a box under it, "come onnn . . where"

Had to wipe my face multiple times as I was soaked while looking for Y/n I rushed out of the apartment wearing just my hoodie, "Y/n!" I started to call her name but nothing I would wait to try to hear anything but got nothing, I kept jogging around the area calling out to her.

"Come on babe where are you" I was at the next area where she might be and heard faint crying, i quickly rushed to where the sound was, it was at a building with a lot of stairs and on the side, I saw a box that was under the third set of stairs.


I saw her peek out a little but she didn't move I rushed up as fast as I could when I reached her I quickly pulled her into a hug, "babe I gotchu, i gotchu" she cried into my shoulder "your gonna be ok" I held her to me as she tightly clung to my figure. After a little, I placed her back down gently but she tried to hold onto me again, "babe wait a sec ok?" She stayed super close to me while nodding. I took off my hoodie putting it on her, I told her at all times no matter what don't look up, she got confused until I picked her up in my arms and she buried her head in my neck immediately as I started the journey back.

By the time I got back to the apartment the storm was finally settling down but Y/n remained clung to me never looking up, after entering the apartment and some issue re-locking the door, since Y/n refused to let go, I started heading to the bathroom.

"babe, we're home it's ok now" I cooed at her she slowly lifted her head up but didn't let go, "babe by chance... do you feel safe with me?" Her arms went around my neck more and she nuzzled into the side of my neck. "I always feel safe with you love"

I smiled warmly at her response, I sat her down on the bathroom counter as I got us towels to dry off with.

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