For Him

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Y/n's Pov~

Michael is currently out hanging with the boys aka Tabi, Agoti, and Adlryx, he really bonded with those three and I'm glad. Secretly I've been working on a special gift for Michael, it's nearly done just gotta connect the hood and attach the strings. I was in his room when I heard his apartment door open.

"Hell yeah man, it's right over there!" I hear them I quickly panic and scramble around hiding everything, Think I made too much noise I hear Michael call out. "Babe, that you?" Crap! i was holding his gift I quickly tossed it in his closet on the top shelf in the far corner.

"Y-yeah!" I called back he walked in just as I finished tossing the gift, so to him, it looked like I was trying to reach for something. "hehe watcha need babe?" I gulped and looked up and was glad I saw a book on the shelf and it was one of my cookbooks. I pointed at it hopping a little.

"Ok doll hold on" He laughed a little and got the book for me. "M-lady" He bowed handing me the book, I just laughed taking it from him. "goof, thank you love" Now thinking about it, how did my cookbook get up there? Interested I flip open the book looking through some recipes.

"YESSSS!! is sweets cooking?" I jumped and hid behind Michael when Agoti suddenly screamed. "oops sorry haha, jeez you scare easily" I looked down embarrassed then felt Michael pull me into his arms hugging me. "Just adds to her cuteness man" He gave me a kiss on my forehead "You ok babe?" a small blush was on my cheeks but I nodded at him slowly, he smiled at me softly then planted a small kiss on my lips. letting out a satisfied hum

"Ok ew anyway, get your guitar man!" Agoti yelled out, Michael let me go "right, right, sorry to kiss-n-run babe, but gonna be heading back out ok" I nodded smiling at the group.

"Have fun!" I told them, Michael blew me a goodbye kiss as he shut the door as they left, an idea popped up, placing the cookbook down on the kitchen counter I quickly run into Michael's room and head towards his bedroom closet opening it, once I found the item I was looking for I snatched it and ran into the bathroom filling it.

Making sure nothing spilled, I dash over to the round window by the kitchen opening it, I look down to see they were almost gone past the apartment, I took notice Aldryx was behind the group holding Michael's guitar 'perfect'

I stick my head out the window. "MICHAEL!"  Hearing me they all glance up in confusion, I look over at Aldryx and told him to move, he did what I said and got away from Michael with his guitar.

"What's up babe?!" he called out I just quickly loaded the item. "oh just this!" I quickly pulled up the super soaker aimed it and shot Michael, Agoti, and Tabi multiple times.

"OH HELL NO!" Agoti yelled, I laughed shutting the window, quickly tossed the gun, and went to hide, knowing they were quickly rushing back to the apartment.

decided to see how this plays out, I tapped into one of the powers I had in my bracelet and went invisible, just in time to see the apartment door burst open, I was by the kitchen counter, it took all I had to not laugh.

"Babe! so gonna get you for that!" Michael said as he, Agoti, and Tabi searched the apartment for me. "Wait why the fuck did she only hit us three and not Aldryx?" Michael questioned, Aldryx held up his guitar.

"Maybe cause of this, she's not dumb Michael, think how you feel if she hit your guitar with a super soaker" Aldryx stated, Michael only nodded and continued looking for me. "damn I can't find her, she was just here"

I had snuck past them and into the bedroom Tabi was in here checking the blanket swing, "She's not in the bedroom either, maybe she used this window to escape?" Tabi said pointing to the window that was near the bed. "Nah it's still locked see, so she's here somewhere"

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