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Y/n's Pov-

I was in the bathroom trying on one of Michael's signature hoodies, this one looked different when I woke up to get ready for the day, I let him sleep in due to he had another attack last night.

This hoodie looked less worn and it seemed like he bought it recently, it was on the big side so the sleeves reached past my hands a bit and it reaches past my thighs, so it looks like an overgrown nightgown on me.

Michael is pretty tall so whenever I try one of his hoodies it looks big on me.

"Hey, babe! You in the bathroom?" I slightly jump hearing him as I was playing with the strings.

"Yea! Do you need to come in?" I ask while quickly taking the hoodie off and looking for a place to hide it in case he needs to come in the bathroom.

"Nah I'm good but have you seen the hoodie I had hanged up behind the bedroom door? I can't find it"

"Uhh no! if I did wouldn't it look like all the other million hoodies you have!?" I told him, the hoodie I grabbed was on the top shelf in the closet.

"Damn I knew I put it there," He said I could hear him rummaging around the apartment.

I took a glance at the back of the hoodie and saw it had three symbols, two were in the middle of one giant chain necklace similar to his older brother and the two in the middle were his and Keith's.

"Fuck I can't find it babe maybe you've seen it? It's a special hoodie me and my brothers made last time we were together on the back has all our shirt symbols but older bro has his necklace around me and Keith's" he said his voice getting closer to the bathroom.

I had placed the hoodie back on me as I was getting cold but once he described which hoodie it was I panicked a bit.

"Uhhhhh no never seen it love maybe you misplaced it?" I said nervously trying to get it off again but this time was having issues.

"Maybe . . . Are you ok? You been in the bathroom for a while babe"

"Y-yea I'm fine! Just my umm hair bracelet won't stay in place trying to fix it" I said jumping a bit my hand got stuck in the sleeve and I ended up smacking my arm on the counter little out a small whimper.

"Maybe I can help you? As for helping me last night, I know it's not big as the attacks I have but I wanna help you in any way I can babe" I heard him say and I saw the door getting ready to open.

I jumped back into the door re-closing it "I'm good! Thanks though love plus I'm uhh not decent right now"

"Babe . . . I have already seen your flawless body before if you forgot plus I won't be long just gonna help with your hair bracelet that's all"

Ugh, I remember we were at Sarv's and her daughter Rasazy splashed some chemicals on me she claim it was harmless and said it was a new type of perfume, but when me and Michael were in my room talking about where to eat, I didn't feel nor notice my clothes start to dissolve away and I mean by ALL my clothes.

When it happened he couldn't stop staring and had a massive blush on his face I was clueless about what was going on until he pointed at me I looked down and freaked out.

Being a true gentleman he took off his hoodie and quickly put it on me because Ruv and Taki walked in, Michael managed to get them to leave after a bit and made sure he blocked my body.

I never went near Rasazy experiments again after that.

Michael's Pov-

I waited a bit after saying that but got no response instead I heard small bangs now and then and her letting out a small crap quickly, it was funny how random it was but was curious what she was doing.

"OK babe like it or not I'm coming in," I said as I twisted the bathroom doorknob starting to re-open the door I heard her saying a bunch of no's and she be out soon but I didn't listen.

"You didn't have to slam the do-" I stopped talking as I looked at her and started to laugh she somehow manage to get both hands tangled in the sleeves and her head was tilted over due to one of the hoodie strings was caught in her hair.

"Very funny can you help me please this is starting to hurt" she whined struggling again "before I help let me take a quick peek at your back babe" I said and checked the back of the hoodie and saw it was the one I been looking for. . . . So she had it.

I managed to get her free and I took a step back to look at her, the hoodie was big on her and noticed she was wearing black leggings, I walked up and tilted her chin to get her to face me fully.

"Ya know babe you look pretty good wearing my hoodies . . . But I know you look a lot better without it" I spoke lowly in her ear she let out a small squeal and blushed.

"Joking babe chill but anyway I do have a gift for you" I wrapped my hands under her thighs and picked her up she held onto me her hands on my shoulder as I just smiled up at her while walking back to the bedroom and gently sitting her on the bed.

"So . . Your not mad about the hoodie?" She asked as I pulled out a box that was hiding under my desk. "Not at all babe but I would prefer to see how you look in my other clothes as well . . . Maybe one of my tank tops?" I turned around with the box in hand as I winked at her she just blushed again.

"For you, babe had it specially made," I said placing the box on her lap. She tilted her head curiously as she unwrapped and open the box.

"Really Michael? It's one of your hoodies?" I laughed telling her to look at the front and then the back, she let out a sigh before picking it up to see the front.

"Wait this symbol looks like yours but it's the one that stands for female ♀️"

She said looking at me I nodded before pointing to the back " check out the other side babe"

I watched her flip the hoodie around and her eyes widen in excitement.

On the back had white wings and in the middle said Michael's Angel.

"OK, I love it! She said while quickly taking off the hoodie she had on and giving it to me I couldn't help but laugh at how quickly she swapped from my hoodie to her new one and it fit her just right.

"Glad you like it babe I was gonna wait until your birthday to give you this but I notice times you tend to snag MY hoodies so wanted you to have your own"

"Well I love it thank you," she said while giving me an Eskimo kiss followed by mini kisses on my face I tried to get away but she pinned me down. "B-babe I'm gonna be l-late! With the meetup with my brothers," I said struggling to get away from her.

"They won't mind you being a few minutes late would they," she said as she cupped my cheeks in her hands and kissed me all over again while giggling at my blushing face.

Extra Ending . . .

"Dude we said to be here by 4 pm, not 4:50" my older brother scolded me as I got to where he and Keith were at.

"Sorry man uhh got distracted and couldn't get away," I said sheepishly.

"Be-beop bebe!"

"Huh?" I look at my hoodie to see I had on Y/n's, she didn't want to wear it just yet so she changed again, during the time I was getting ready I didn't notice I snagged it.

"Damn it man . . ."

I said facepalming while they just busting out laughing.

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