Five More Minutes

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Michael's Pov~

"Babe you said that five minutes ago come on" I laughed at my sleepy girlfriend, she refuses to get up and I couldn't move since she had her arms wrapped around me.

"Nuuu another. .10 minutes" she drowsy said and cuddled on my chest, I just rolled my eyes as I rubbed her beck gently. "Babe no now come on we gotta get up" I tried to move away from her just to earn a whine and she kept clung to me like a koala, whenever I would move to the side of the bed she moved along with me trying to stay with me.

"Haha, babe come on! Let go" I tried to unwrap her arms off me "but I need my Michael pillow!" She tugged at my shirt keeping me in place and then moved up a bit to be more on me.

"Lucky your adorable babe, fine you get ten more minutes and that's it ok?"

She let out a happy squeal and snuggled on me falling back to sleep instantly "what I'm I going to do with you?" I smiled down at her as I rubbed the top of her head gently.

(super short I know but it's cute)

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