She's Happy

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Michael's Pov~

"C'mon babe wake up" I was shaking Y/n gently trying to wake her, she was having a nightmare and whatever it was seemed bad, she made enough noise and movement that woke me up. "babygirl you gotta wake up" she was laying on top of me gripping my shirt tightly every now and then she either calls my name out asking me to help her or she lets out a 'nooo'

With my arms around her I sit up carefully, holding her to me, I start to pat her cheek lightly while also shaking her. "Y/n wake-up baby" I cooed, I watch her eyes snap open and she did a quick look around while breathing fast. "Y/n?" she quickly looked up at me.

She let out a deep breath her arms wrapping tightly around my torso and she buried her head on my chest. "t-thank you Michael" she mumbled, I smiled and gently rubbed the top of her head. "looked like you were having one hell of a dream babe, do you wanna talk about it?" she shook her head.

"Do you wanna try to go back to sleep?" She flinched a bit at that question, i glance over at the clock to see it read 2:45am 'maaaybe' with an idea and hope their still out, since she was on my lap, i placed an arm under her legs and used the other to support her back as i started to stand up leaving the bedroom.

"Michael w-what are you doing?" she moved her head off of my chest to look up at me, i just gave her a soft smile then leaned down to lightly kiss her, "just relax babe"

She snuggled closer to me as I took us on the roof, before I went up I had grabbed a blanket and two pillows, Y/n giggled when I plopped them ontop of her, since I was carrying her I couldn't hold them.

I just had a smile on my face when I did, once on the roof I set her down so I can set up the blanket and pillows, I propped the pillows up against one of the roof vents.

I sat down and gestured Y/n to me, she smiled and cuddled into my arms, I turned her over so she was facing the starry sky, with one arm around her I used the other to pull the blanket a bit over us.

We talked for a bit with small kisses now and then.

I was humming a small tune as Y/n turned over and she had a smile on her face as she fell back to sleep, I heard her let out a little 'hmm' as she nuzzled her head on my chest more.

I then heard a small thud from above me, I look up and my eyes widened, there staring back down at me from ontop of the vent was her brother.

I watched him as his eyes shifted to Y/n and his look softened. He then got down. "Hate to admit... she's happy with you.. Michael... I'm glad for that really, all I want for my sister is to be happy even though she's dating a peice of shit that should be dead"

I just shook my head as I rubbed Y/n's back gently. "I'll do anything to make sure she's happy"

"Yeah I can see that but I suggest you take my sister back inside before that arrives" he pointed in the distance, I look over to see rain clouds were about to hover over the city.

Armaros helped carry the blankets and pillows back into the apartment while I held a happy sleeping Y/n close to my heart.

BB X Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें