Like a Sister

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Y/n's Pov~

Aldryx wanted me to visit his home so I could meet his dad, to what he said, his dad was getting curious about who his two sons had been spending a lot of time with, Agoti was gonna bring Michael later, and they went out to meet Tabi for something. "So Aldryx tell me more about your dad," I asked him as he drove us to his place, "Well he is nice, not a fan of demons though, he can be . . strict about a few things but overall he's just a big softie when we were younger me and Agoti would hang from his arms because he's as tall as me"

Great, he's gonna call me small also I need to find people that are my height "Don't worry Y/n he's not gonna call you small" I heard Aldryx snicker I just pouted at him making him laugh.

We arrived at the house, it was a decent size place, we walked up the stairs Aldryx spotted a small note on the door, he took it off reading it "hmm he went out to get something real fast, hope you don't mind waiting, I could give you a quick tour of our home" I nodded ok and we went inside. The moment we stepped in I saw so many cats "uh so who's the cat fan?"

"dad" was all Aldryx said while at least six cats walked up to us I kneeled down and started to pet them, "they got a name?" he nodded and pointed at each one.



"Snowflake Jr"

"Mini Snowflake"

"Ah there's snow-snowflake"

It seems every cat was given the name...Snowflake.

"Gonna guess your dad named them all?" I laughed a little petting the smallest one as he just nodded.

"Yep no clue why though but come on I wanna get this tour started before he comes back" I nodded and went to follow him, the first area was the living room+dining room, he said they use it sometimes, and somewhat in between was the kitchen.

I smelled something good coming from the kitchen. would ask after the tour since I was hungry, there was his room and across from it Agoti's and one other room but marked STAY OUT.

"Uhh not allowed to talk about that door," Aldryx said and we moved on, more cats came out of a room that's door was slightly open. "Oh god he got more cats"

I laughed as a little herd ran by us out of the room "gonna guess that room is your dad's?" He sighed saying yes.

House was nice overall, with 4 bedrooms, two baths, a big lab connected to the dad's room, kitchen, dining room, and living room, and private study, Aldryx mentioned there was a guest room but it's untouched since we'll people don't visit much.

"Hey Aldryx hate to ask but I'm pretty hungry think we can eat something? I smelled something coming from the kitchen" I told him he nodded and lead me to the kitchen.

"Dad is pretty strict about who cooks what, so today he cooked for us 'he's not that great he made us some kind of soup this morning me and Agoti didn't like it so I guess you can have that"

He pointed to a pot that was on the stove, he grabbed me a small bowl, poured me some then handed it to me, I gave it a quick taste and my eyes lit up.

"IT'S DELICIOUS!!!" I cheered and nearly downed the bowl going for seconds making Aldryx laugh, "Well at least someone likes it! Just take it easy Y/n"

He noticed I was on my third bowl now "damn Y/n were you that hungry?" He eyed me as I went through the soup like Naruto does with his ramen, I slightly blushed.

"Yes and it's really good, sorry Aldryx," I told him I then felt weird but shook it off, he gave me a soft smile and collected a few of the bowls placing them in the sink, and started to wash them off.

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