Special Surprise

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Y/n's Pov~

Michael's birthday was arriving soon and I wanted it to be perfect, he went through so much and does all he can to help and support me, so I thought why not, I made sure to ask Agoti and Aldryx to keep Michael busy and out of the apartment while I got the place and food ready.

The plan was gonna do a small surprise party for him, by small I mean Me, Keith, Cherry, Tabi, Agoti, Aldryx, and CJ . . . noticed I need to make more female friends, I warned Tabi to behave and not pick a fight with Keith or Cherry, he huffed a few times but since I asked sweetly he gave me his word.

It was now the big day and I was more than happy to see the look on his face, I got a text earlier from Michael saying Agoti and Aldryx needed him for something 'good plan is in motion' he said he would be back late tonight and had something to give me 'wonder what it is' I was putting the finish touches on his birthday cake right when the doorbell went off.

"Coming!" I took off the apron and quickly went to the door, opening it stood Keith and Cherry with balloons and presets, "your two are early! come in" I stepped aside letting them enter, I told them to hide the gifts under the table and as for the balloons we put them in the bathroom.


"Yep they got him for a few hours, you guys wanna help me finish off the food?" They both eagerly nodded and we went to work, Keith was forbidden to help bake ANYTHING since he tends to stick his sticky fingers in batter and such and ruin it, so had him on cutting and dish duty while me and Cherry worked on getting the food done and ready.

"Ok cake is done, cheez-it triangles are nearly finished, pizza is on the way, got some chips, drinks, . .KEITH DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" I yelled at him he was about to swipe some of the icing off the cake, Cherry grabbed him by the ear and pulled him away, I let out a sigh just then the doorbell went off, I walk to it opening it to see Tabi.

"Glad you can make it Tabi but before I let you in, you remember our promise? I'm asking because they're here" he sighed deeply then nodded, "yes Lady Y/n I will . . . behave BUT if they start anything I won't hold back" I rolled my eyes and told him they won't and let him in I was about to close the door before I voice yelled out.

"Hey, cutie!" I look to see CJ run up the stairs and he was followed by two others one is Vade but haven't met the other "Hi CJ! glad you made it and nice to see you again Vade, "I greeted her with a fake smile, she just smiled back, I looked towards the other person "Y/n this is Ruby! I know you and Vade didn't hit it off so well so I brought Ruby, hope it's ok!" CJ said as him and Vade walked in leaving me and Ruby at the door.

"It's nice to meet you Ruby, like CJ said I'm Y/n," I said politely and reached my hand out for her to shake, "she smiled shyly and shook my hand "i-it's a pleasure to meet you, is it true? your dating Michael?" I told her I was and said he's lucky to be dating a very pretty girl, I brushed that comment away and let her enter, I saw Keith at the cake again, I grabbed a nearby umbrella and aimed it at him, it smacked his foot, he jumped looking up and saw me eye him doing the 'i got my eye on you motion' he chuckled nervously and left the kitchen.

Better get outta there

Bzzt Bzzt!

I check my phone to see I got a text from Aldryx

Aldryx to Me: So Michael might have had a small attack, we managed to calm him down but were heading back to the apartment early.

Me to Aldryx: It's ok we just finished setting up try to keep him calm ok? I just hope the surprise isn't too much for him.

Aldryx to Me: He'll love it Y/n what your doing for him is very special, even he has no clue, he thinks you have something 'special' planned just for him later tonight if you catch my drift.

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