Tasty Addiction

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Think I dropped something
Oh it's a chapter hehe
Enjoy 🙂

Michael's Pov~

"Babe, can we go now? she lets out another sigh. "No Michael, if you help me this might go faster" Me and her were currently shopping, not for clothes but for food, she kinda literally dragged me out of bed, not a big fan of shopping before we met I would times order groceries online and have them delivered.

She was having none of that

I was trailing behind her my hands in my hoodie pockets glancing around, she had the cart and the shopping list of what we mostly needed and would stop now and then if she found something that was on the list.

The list was on her phone.

"Michael" I walked towards her and she pointed at something that was on a high self. "Can you get that for me please?" Giving her a quick smile I reached up and grabbed the item for her, I looked at the box as I turned around before putting it in the cart.

"Michael do you not want to help me with the list?" I heard Y/n as I placed the box in the cart, I looked over at her and she had a small frown on her face. "I'll help ya, babe, I'm sorry I'm just used to ordering what I need online, here send me half the list on my phone and I go fetch it ok?"

She nodded happily giving me a quick kiss and sent half the list to my phone, for some reason she sent the half she had been working on so some stuff was checked off already.

Y/n's Pov~

After Michael went to find what was on his list I scrolled down a bit on mine to check "ok so we need milk, butter, another dang cheez-it box, eggs, and some ground beef . . .that's close" I look forward to see the meat section ahead of me, I still had the cart so I wheeled it over and checked through the beef.

turkey . .

turkey. . .

lean turkey the heck?

After a while I finally found one that wasn't turkey and went to find the rest, I was down to one item remaining and was a bit worried, Michael didn't return to me yet so decided to call him.

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Oh uhh nothing just missed your voice that's all love"

"mmhmm you got worried didn't ya?"

I didn't reply right away, I looked up and saw something I knew Michael would like.

"hehe, maaaybe~ but which aisle are you in?"

"umm . . . I'm in 4 had to fucking backtrack to get one of the items"

"can you join me on 7 real quick?"

"sure babe I'll be right there"

We hung up while I waited for Michael, I started to check the cart fixing it up so Michael can place his stuff inside when he joined me. "Babe!" I look up and see Michael walk towards me with a mini shopping cart in his hand with some stuff.

"Missed ya baby" he teased kissing my cheek and set what he had in the cart. "bet I missed you more" I nuzzled his cheek when he leaned down a bit putting the last of his items away. "heh I bet so you wanted me for something?" he smiled at me.

"oh well i didn't know which one to get so think you can decide?" i said pointing to the wall, he looked at what i was talking about and his mouth fell open.

In a blink of an eye, he was legit zooming back and forth adding boxes into the cart going on

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In a blink of an eye, he was legit zooming back and forth adding boxes into the cart going on

"These are so good!"

"Babe we NEED this one!"


"Yesssss hot n spicy!"


I'll admit, it was the cutest thing his eyes were all starry whenever he came back with a box and slightly show me it, I glance in the cart and sweatdropped, there had to be at-least 15+ boxes, I saw him grab another and halted him.

"love! we can't get all these" the moment I said that the stars left his eyes and he made them all big and watery like a sad puppy, "aww please babe!" I giggled he can be very cute sometimes, I cupped his cheeks in my hands and gave him a little Eskimo kiss.

"No sweetie maybe like three boxes" he let out a small sigh saying fine, and pecked my nose as he stood back up, he picked out the three he wanted then placed the others in an abandoned cart that was nearby.

"So do we have everything babe?" He asked me as we was in one of the last aisles. "Kinda I compared both our lists seems were missing three things and that's it"

I told him what we needed and kept an eye out incase he spotted it or I somehow passed it up.

Finished getting everything off the list we were now looking for stuff we personally liked, he asked if we could go back and grab more cheez-it boxes I down right said no making him pout at me again.

We were currently in the drink section he was beside me holding my hand while he pushed the cart this time, something caught my eye and I went to it quickly.

"Oh hell no babe! Get back here" Michael pulled me away from the item, "but whhhhy!!!" I whined trying to break free.

I was gonna get a shamrock shake drink mix kit "you have a unhealthy crazy addiction to that shit, trying to get you off it"

"What about your addiction to cheez-its!?"

"Oh . . That's different babe"


"Just is now c'mon" he tugged me away and into the next aisle, he had pulled me close to his side and started kissing me all over my face so I would stop angerly pouting.

"Doing it for your own good babe, I still love ya"

"If you love me, you let me get the drink mix it"

"Ok don't start that now" he let out a low laugh as we were now in the frozen food section, I grabbed a box of popcorn shrimp and a bag of chicken nuggets, Michael grabbed a box Mint flavored ice cream sandwiches and showed me it.

"Hey just pretend these are mini shamrock shakes babe!" I gave him a slight annoyed look while raising an eyebrow at him, he laughed and kissed my cheek.

After grabbing a few more items we got in the check-out line. I was infront of the cart while Michael was behind it, as we started putting stuff up on the belt for the worker to scan and add it up.

I watched the food go by until i noticed something, "Sorry can you stop real fast" I told the worker she stopped scanning and I saw.


"So I can't get my drink kit but you had the nerve to toss in more cheez-its, nah love" I started to put the boxes to the side while he started to complain at me.

"Noooo babe! Ok ok! If you let me get those you can go back and get your drink mix kit!!!"

Michael's Pov~

I begged her, she stopped to look at me then a bright smile showed up on her face, "got yourself a weird deal!" She told the cashier she be right back and quickly got out of line to get the kit.

"ONLY ONE BABE!" I yelled at her she didn't turn around just waved me off, I laughed and placed the last of the food up on the belt until THREE drink mix boxes were slammed down.

"Babe I said one . ."

"And you have 10 cheez-it boxes, leave mine alone"

People in line with us just laughed at our silly bickering even the cashier was chuckling.

I helped Y/n put the food away back at the apartment.

We were now relaxing on the sofa, I was munching on the hot-n-spicy flavored cheez-its while she was laying against me happily sipping on her shamrock shake drink.

One interesting day at the grocery store if you ask me . . . .

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