Old Friend

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Michael's Pov~

Y/N had told me she made plans to meet up with an old buddy of hers she asked if wanted to come along but it sounded like she hasn't seen them in a while so I told her no and to have fun.

"You sure love?" She asked me (again) as she was about ready to head out. "Yes, babe I'm sure! Now stop asking and go enjoy yourself with your friend I'll most likely head out here in a little to challenge Keith to another rap battle"

"Course" she chuckled while approaching me and gave me an Eskimo kiss causing me to blush, she just giggled and left. I ran to the window and stuck my head out.

"Call me if anything happens!!" I yelled out causing her and a few people nearby to look up at me, she laughed and blew a kiss at me then continued walking, wherever they were meeting up wasn't that far so she decided to walk. Shutting the window I took out my phone and called Keith.


"Hey, little man you busy today?" I asked him while heading to the bedroom and noticed something on the bed.


"Sweet was wondering if you wanted to have another rap battle with me today," I told him as I went to the object that was on my bed to noticed it was Y/N's hair bracelet.

'thought the one she had on looked off she must have grabbed the wrong bracelet' I thought while talking to Keith I sent her a quick text.

Me to ❣Babe❣:  did you forget anything?

❣Babe❣ to Me: huh? No did I leave something?

I held out the hair bracelet and took a picture of it then sent the photo.

❣Babe❣ to Me: REALLY!?!?!? I forgot that out of everything else I didn't even notice I put on the wrong one.

She was texting back so fast I started laughing knowing she was freaking out somewhere in public

Me to ❣Babe❣: babe relax! I have it with me I'll keep it safe until you come back ok, you're just meeting a friend today so you should be good.

❣Babe❣ to Me: Yea thank you, Michael, I'm getting close to where we are supposed to meet, just promise me you keep it safe please I'll lose my wings literally if something happened to it.

Crazy this little hair accessory holds all her angel powers.

Me to ❣Babe❣: Promise, say what would happen if . . . I don't know tried it on?

I texted her while examining it and getting ready during that whole time me and Keith decided to meet up in a half-hour I told him what happened and he cracked up because he could hear my phone go crazy when she spammed freaked out texted me.

❣Babe❣ to Me: Michael you better not and I don't know, and I'm not there with you in case you try it on and I can't help stop whatever madness goes on, but I see my friend I love you and do NOT put it on.

I laughed while placing it in my hoodie pocket then I realized something she never told me the name of her friend.

Me to ❣Babe❣: Doll what's your friend's name? heck, maybe I might know them.

She didn't reply I just shrugged my shoulders and headed out to meet with Keith.

On the way to Keith, I bumped into Whitty and he asked for a quick rap battle winner gets $15 I agreed and managed to beat him. "Dang it! You and your brother got some crazy bars" he said while handing me the $15 as people clapped nearby from the performance.

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