Can't go back

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Y/n's Pov~

This is bad I can't let Michael see this, he would flip, I had gone to go visit Armaros, and... it didn't go so great.

Small flashback~

"Brother i-it's not that bad!" I chased after him into an alleyway, "sis just GO AWAY OK!" he yelled at me and started to climb the side of the building going up to the roof, I quickly flew up and beat him to it, when he noticed me he just rolled his eyes.

"fuckin show-off just go ok" he stomped away with his hands in his coat pockets, I kept following him anyway, "B-brother I refuse to leave you like this! i- I know once I helped you enough then we can get your old self back"

"Sis it's no use just give up ok" he sighed while jumping to another rooftop I still followed, "I'm NOT GIVING UP, I won't stop until they let you back"

"Sis it won't work"

"it will! you just gotta believe"

"it WONT work!"

"You're just thinking that because your grump-"

"I CAN NEVER FUCKING GO BACK OK! i-i'm stuck like this, forever damned now, please... go away"

That's a lie... who told him that? I quickly rushed to him, "B-brother I refuse to believe that if we keep up the wo-"

"I said it WON'T WOR- . . . oh fuck sis i-" when he turned around his twin demon tails harshly scratched my face leaving me with two deep cuts on my cheek, I slowly reached up to touch the cut but pulled back quickly to see I was bleeding, "B-brother it's ok! I'm fine see!" he shook his head as tears fell from his eyes.

"i-.. sis I'm-" he looked down more tears fell from his eyes, I slowly reached out to him but he backed away from me. "I'm sorry just..leave me alone" was all he said and ran off.

Flashback end~

I was tending to the cuts on my cheek that stung because my tears would drip down on them, I was in Michael's bathroom with the door slightly shut, my vision started to get blurry as I started to cry more for my brother...

If I just did what he asked then he wouldn't be suffering...

No longer holding it in I broke down in the bathroom, glad Michael wasn't home to see this.

Michael's Pov~

"Yep! thanks again man see ya next time!"


"Yea I'll tell Y/n you said Hi and that's up to her man, plus not sure, you gotta lay off the sweets man getting a little chubby" he pouted and started doing angry beeps as I just laughed walking away.

Keith really, and I mean REALLY likes Y/n's baking so much now and then he requests if she can bake him a batch of cookies or brownies, she doesn't mind but little man needs to ease up.

I'm back at the apartment about to unlock the door when I see little blood spots on the door handle, I touch it and it seems to be fresh. my ears perk up to what I hear sounds like crying coming from inside and it's not your normal type it's the kind you do under extreme stress the cry/scream.

Only ONE person can be in my apartment.

I hurry and unlock the door slamming it open and search for Y/n, I found her on the floor of the bathroom, "Babe!" I kneeled down and gently pulled her up just to see two black scratch marks on her right cheek, her wings were out and it looked like her feathers were pulled from random spots, some were on the floor.

"Hey! babe, Y/n try to calm down I'm here!" she wouldn't look at me and her cries were at a near screech level...

What the fuck happened to her...

I held her face in my hands and made her look up "Babe! hey, it's ok, Y/n baby girl it's ok you gotta calm down" I was trying everything and nothing worked, this was the worst I have ever seen her, I slowly let her go and stand up taking out my cell thinking who to call.

Don't think Sarv is a good idea...

Keith and Cherry won't know what to do...

Maybe Aldryx and Tabi?

I hear loud banging coming from the apartment below "hey SHUT UP! some of us are trying to sleep!" yeah she's that loud...

I was at a loss about who to phone, with a sigh I go back into the bathroom and saw she was pulling at her feathers. "Babe! no, stop that!" I grab her hands making her stop and then pull her to me hugging her tightly, muffling her crying screams.

"Babe! shhh, shhh I'm here ok, please, please tell me what's wrong"


I heard her say something so I slowly pull her head off my chest, she was still crying, "repeat that?"

"He can't go back!"

I looked at her confused at what she was talking about, "Who can't go babe?" I gently held her face again and started to wipe away her tears. "M-my brother... HE CAN'T GO BAACK!" my eyes widened at her words... she's been helping him...

"But babe, you been helping him so he can go back did something happen?" she shook her head and gripped my hoodie tightly, "H-he told me tonight, he's stuck here, f-forever damned, I saw his d-demon side for the first time tonight"

"And the cuts on your cheek?"

"His tails c-cut me when he turned around to face me, once h-he realized what happened he ran off!"

"Babe that still didn't answer my question, you been helping him through," I said as I gently rocked her in my arms her cries not so loud anymore. "He said it won't work.. no matter how much I helped him.. h-he can n-never go back.."

"oh, Y/n.."

"He's my brother... I CAN'T LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT!"

I just held her looking down at her sadly as she cried her heart out for her brother on my chest...

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