How She Cares

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Michael's Pov~

Me and Y/n were having our own movie night, it was slightly cold today so I made us some hot chocolate, we decided to sit on the floor this time she was in between my legs while I was leaning back on the couch, and she was leaning back against me as we watched the film with our drinks.

I was too into the movie to see Y/n had turned around and started giving my neck light little pecks, I rub my hands up and down her sides, switching my attention to her, "well you're being all lovey today babe" she just smiled at me and continued kissing at my neck, I let her keep kissing me my hands resting on her hips as I continued watching the movie, she does this to make sure I know I'm not alone and everything will be ok mostly to make sure I don't have another random attack, how she cares for me and I love it.

I relax more enjoying the small kisses Y/n was giving me, she was at my cheek now while her hand lightly touched my face, I let out a content sigh, as I gently take her hand in mine and kiss it. "Babe . . . thank you" she stopped what she was doing and cupped both my cheeks in her hands, she just smiled then kissed me tenderly.

I love her so much


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