It's Ok

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Michael's Pov~

So for the past few days, the weather has been . . . bad slight thunderstorms here and there but they never got too big or loud and each time, I had to comfort and calm down Y/n since those scare her pretty bad, I mostly have her lay on me while I watch the storm from the window, like right now another storm was happening and she was clinging onto me pretty tight each time thunder would go off or a lightning strike.

"Babe shh it's ok your safe here" she had just flinched for the, lord I don't know I'll say 10th time? this storm was not letting up soon, she had her head buried between my arm and my side like a kitten "Y/n maybe you would like to move away from the window?" oh yea Aldryx is here just him though he was talking to Y/n earlier on the phone before the storm started and when she let out a scream, well he rushed over. He had told us he sees Y/n like a little sister, a little cute sister he wants to do all he could to keep them safe and in good health.

She shakily lifted her head up to look up at him and when she was about to say something a loud thunder went off followed by lighting, it was that loud and powerful, it lit the room up and knocked out the power, that was it for Y/n she bolted out of my arms crying into the next room.

"Damn that one was big," I said looking out the window as another went off, seems half the town got hit, "Yea it's bad tonight let's go check on Y/n" I nodded at Aldryx and we followed the sound of her cries, she was in my room under the bed, we both kneeled down to one side of the bed and tried to get her to come out but she refused to move, she had her head buried in her arms that was crossed as she cried.

"Hey Michael" I sat up to look over the bed to Aldryx "Why does this scare her so bad anyway?" he asked I sighed and mentioned him to follow me knowing Y/n is NOT gonna move, we stood in the front room near the door in case she came out, "you know what she is right? before I start" he shrugged his shoulders to say no "she's . . . half angel she trusts you so I'm sure it's ok to tell you that but anyway, during a night she had finished with a task and was flying home, this was WAY before we were dating"

I would glance in the room now and then to see if Y/n came out from under the bed, "So on her way back it was raining, light rain no news about thunder or lighting, so I guess the weatherman got it wrong so, her wing got hit pretty bad by lighting and whenever she tried to put it away that same wing would zap her, to make it stop they had to use a special tool to cut it off so a new wing would grow, she hates that tool and ever since then, she's been scared of storms, I did some research, from what I learned she has what is called Astraphobia, she has shown a few of the symptoms that confirm it"

His eyes widened a bit before going back to normal "and recently something happened and said tool was used on her again but by her brother [The Rescue Chapter] so yea" I ended he gave a sigh and headed back in the bedroom.

I watch as he went under the bed, after a few seconds he came back out with her, she had her arms wrapped around his neck as she cried into his chest, he had his arms wrapped around her, since he was tall she was literally hanging onto him, he walked out the room into the front room with her.

"Y/n you will be ok calm yourself" she didn't listen and let out a small scream when another thunder went off and her grip on him got tighter, "I said calm not choke me now" I laughed a bit as he tried to pray her off 'i need to get some light in here' i looked around for candles while Aldryx tried to help Y/n calm down.

After setting up a good amount of candles around the apartment, I look to see Aldrix had sat down cross-legged on the floor, his arms were around Y/n's mid-section as she still clung to him, he was rocking back and forth gently trying his best to calm her.

"Y/n listen to me, you will be ok, Michael and me won't let anything harm you ok" I slowly sat in front of him as he looked up noticing me, "Hey Michael is here you want to go to him?" I watched as she slowly lifted her head off of his chest and turned to look at me, I swear my heart nearly shattered when I saw her face, she looked beyond terrified eyes red from crying "babe come here" I cooed reaching out to her, she slowly let go off Aldryx and went into my arms and cuddled to me she calmed down a little but was still crying.

Aldryx rubbed her back gently as I held her, the rain started to finally let up and small sniffles were heard from Y/n, Aldryx stood up once we saw the lights come back on, he went towards the window, "the storm has finally stopped" he said I looked down at Y/n she looked tired, "Babe. . . do you wanna go to bed?" she shook her head but stayed clung to me.

After a bit she stopped crying completely but stayed in my arms she wasn't talking or anything just in my arms breathing normally like one of those days you just sit there and be still until you decide to move or do something.

"Is she ok now?" Aldryx asked kneeling down beside me where her head was at. "Yea she's calmed down thanks for helping, not sure what she wants to do now though and this floor isn't the most comfortable" Aldryx patted Y/n's head gently. "Well glad she's ok, I'm gonna head out, I kinda left without saying anything"

Gave him a small nod, he stood up and was about to head out until Y/n reached out to him but slightly missed, she let out a small whimper that I don't think he heard, "Hey Aldryx" I called out to him he turned around and noticed Y/n had reached out to him.

He smiled lightly and came back to us kneeling down taking her hand in his rubbing it slightly with his thumb. "do you want me to stay Y/n?" she slowly nodded, "Very well let me just make a quick call"

He stood up again and called someone on his cell, me and her eyes went wide as a booming voice was heard coming from the other line.

"Y-yeah i know I'm sorry.  . . a friend of mine needed help" whoever was on the other line didn't sound too happy that Aldryx had left without saying anything, after a bit the call ended. "Sorry about that but all good now"

Aldryx ended up spending the night during the time he was here we had dinner and watched a few movies, he ended up falling asleep on the couch with Y/n also asleep on top of him, she looked like a little kid compared to him, I smiled and gently covered them with a blanket.

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