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Michael's Pov~

Me and Y/n were on the couch slightly panting and fanning ourselves, the weather had reached a deadly 109 degrees, and surprise the dumb AC broke.

A bit earlier she had one of her wings out and used it to help cool me off but had to stop since she was getting tired, was happy she did that but now she looked more exhausted.

I was at the edge of the couch eyes closed while I waved my hand near my face as a attempt to cool off, Y/n had placed her head on my leg and was going in and out of falling asleep, we both had no intentions of moving due to the heat.

Bzzt Bzzt!

"nooO" Man I hope that's not important, I let my phone ring and let it go to voicemail, it wasn't with me I had left it on the kitchen counter so yea... not moving. I looked down and Y/n had rolled over, her head was still on my leg but she was facing up and her eyes were closed.

"psst babe you asleep?" No answer just her head tilted over some and soft snores were heard, smiling at her I reached and played with her hair a little until I heard her phone go off, hers were a bit closer, in front of me actually on the coffee table it said Keith was calling.

Reaching I grabbed her phone and answered but made sure I kept my voice down so i wouldn't wake Y/n. "Sup little man"


"Yea she fell asleep due to the heat and mine wasn't nearby, what's up?" I said as i slowly got up and placed a pillow under Y/n's head once i knew she was good i walked to the window to attempt to get some air.


"whoa! really? wait . . . how you know?"


"ah, gotcha sooo what you wanna go?" I asked him while looking outside and some of the wind blew and yikes even that didn't help, with a small sigh, I went back to the couch, grabbed my phone along the way, and saw that Y/n had slightly woke up.


"Yeah man let me ask Y/n she just woke up... I think" we slightly laughed as I watch my girlfriend try to stay awake, I sat down beside the couch close to her head and started to pat her cheek gently to help her wake up more. I told Keith to hold on as I spoke to Y/n.

"Hey baby had a good nap?" She still doesn't reply and just lets out a yawn while turning her head towards me "more like a pass out... this heat sucks" she let out a groan and placed a hand over her face. "yea it's pretty bad so Keith just informed me that new Icecream place just opened and he's asking if we wanna go, think your up for it?"

I watched as she uncovered her face and just stared into the distance before giving an answer. "What's the current temperature?" Since her phone is still in my hand I checked the weather on it, and MAN I wish I didn't. "Uhhh let's pretend it went down" she just looked at me and shook her head.


I heard Keith yell something I put the phone back to my ear.

"Repeat that? didn't have the phone to my ear so didn't catch all that" I told him as I watched Y/n sit up and stretch as another yawn left her lips.

She then faced me and did  grabby-like motion with her hands at me, shaking my head I got back on the couch and pulled her on my lap.

Once settled she nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck and her arms were wrapped around me.


"Really? Do you know for how long?" Keith found the new ice cream shop also opened up their own website and he found out couples get a special discount.

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