Bond between Siblings

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Michael's Pov~

It was about 1 am when a thunderstorm had started outside, I was sitting up in bed looking over at the window as I held Y/n.

Her head was buried into my chest and her arms wrapped around me as she silently cried.

I looked down at her and petted her head gently, "shhh babe, it's ok, you will be ok" I kissed the top of her head she just held onto me a little tighter.

Curious how Armaros got her through these storms.

"Hey babe question" I waited until she let out a little 'hmm' between her cries.

"Your brother how did he calm you down during storms if you remember"

"H-he would hug me close and sometimes wrap his wings around us to act as a shield to drown out the noise, b-but he can't do that anymore"

Her voice cracked at the last part, she's referring that he only has one wing now

"Does he do anything else?

She just stayed silent beside her small cries, not gonna force her into telling me, I hugged her closer and whispered sweetly into her ear to help soothe her during the storm.

((A few days later))

"You sure love?" I had told Y/n I would be spending some time with Agoti, Aldryx, and Tabi, some guy time, and told her to use this as a chance to catch up with her brother.

"Yep now go along babe, I'll be fine were most likely gonna get something to eat, and knowing Agoti try something on my guitar, nothing crazy babe, I promise"

She gave me a small smile but nodded, we shared a quick kiss followed by her doing a surprise Eskimo kiss causing me to blush. "why you little" I chased her around the apartment for the sudden Eskimo kiss both of us laughing, she made it outside the apartment just as Agoti, Tabi, and Aldryx were almost at the door.

The moment she was out she quickly took out her wings in front of the three giving them a fast Hi/bye and zipped up into the sky, I ran into the railing, shaking my fist up at her laughing.

"Gonna get you for that!" I yelled at her, I smiled when she just waved goodbye as she flew away laughing, I told the three to come in as they shook their heads chuckling at what they saw.

Y/n's Pov~

I was slightly swaying back and forth on my feet as I looked up at Armaros he had a confused look on his face when he answered the door.

"Sooo gonna let me in or what?" I said nervously, he just shook his head and gave me a suspicious look. "sis what are you even doing here?"

"Are you saying I can't visit my own brother?"

"N-no you can! It-"

"Then let me in ya dork!"

He let out a defeated sigh and moved to let me in his apartment, unlike Michael's his was a little smaller but still gave off a comfy feeling to it.

I turned around when I heard him shut and lock the door, "so why are you here sis?" I just smiled and gave him a quick hug.

"I wanted to see my big brother! nothing wrong with that" I looked up at him with a smile his face showed surprise then changed to sadness.

"I'm grateful sis but. .you should go" he gently pushed me off and went to re-open the door, "Brother don't push me away please, i- I miss spending time with you"

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