Chapter 70 - perfume

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- Third POV -

The shirshu entered the abbey and begins to walk around in a circle.

"What's it doing? It's just going in a circle" Asks Zuko confused. Suddenly, the shirshu notices Aang who's flying above his head. Nyla stands on his hind legs and attempts to paralyzes the Avatar with his tongue, throwing off his riders. The shirshu falls down, too.

"Aang!" Beams Katara.

"Don't let the shirshu touch you with his tongue!" Shouts Mizuki who had been waiting in the abbey for the others to arrive.

"Up!" Shouts June as she cracks her whip and hits the shirshu. The animal stands up and June mounts him. June and Nyla charge at Aang, but Appa knocks down Nyla by leaping on the shirshu's side. Appa growls at June and Nyla. Two nuns drag Sokka and Katara to the side of the abbey, Mizuki quickly rushes towards them as she grabs her water pouch.

"It will take a while but soon you guys will be able to move again" Reassures Mizuki as begins to heal Sokka. Meanwhile, Zuko firebends a blast at Aang, who stops it by waving his glider. Aang sends a blast of air at Zuko, who sidesteps it and sends a fire blast at Aang, who spins his staff to stop the blast. Aang sends an airbending blast at Zuko, who sidesteps it and sends another fire blast at Aang. Aang jumps to avoid the blast. Zuko moves in closer to Aang and sends two fire blasts at Aang's head and feet. Zuko punches and kicks at Aang, sending fire blasts at him. Aang avoids these blasts and sends an air blast at Zuko's head. Zuko ducks and sends more fire blasts at Aang. Zuko and Aang both firebend and airbend, respectively, at each other at the same time, creating large explosion that forms a mushroom cloud. Aang and Zuko fall backwards onto different roofs.

"C'mon" June mounts Nyla who begins to run towards Appa. The shirshu hits Appa's paw with his tongue and paralyzes it. Appa loses balance and falls down. Nyla growls and charges again at Appa, paralyzing his other leg. Zuko runs across the roof and sends a fire blast at Aang who dodges it by jumping into the air. Zuko sends a fire blast at Aang's feet once again. Aang uses an air shield to defend himself from the flames. As soon as Aang lands on the ground he sends an air blast towards Zuko's direction.

"I'm...starting to get some feeling back!" Exclaims Sokka while Mizuki heals him.

"Okay, that's great" Says Mizuki as she moves her hands above Sokka's stomach and makes a circling motion while bending the water. Aang jumps in the abbey courtyard while Nyla follows him. Zuko begins to send fire blasts towards Aang, who dodges them. Suddenly, Aang notices that Zuko's carrying Mizuki's necklace.

"You've got something I want" States Aang as he looks at the necklace with determination. Aang jumps towards Zuko while dodging his fire blasts. Zuko sends two fire blasts at Aang, who dodges them once again. Aang begins to send air blasts towards Zuko as he snatches at Mizuki's stolen necklace, but misses. Zuko lunges at Aang, who jumps on his back and grabs Mizuki's necklace. However, Aang falls down and quickly rolls over to avoid Zuko's fire blasts. Appa tries to walk towards Zuko, but gets paralyzed by Nyla once again.

"We need to get rid of that shirshu" Points out Mizuki as she puts her water pouch in her belt and helps Sokka and Katara stand up.

"That thing sees with its nose. Let's give him something to look at" Says Sokka.

"The perfume?" Asks a nun while Sokka nods and begins collecting the pots.

"Hey, what are these perfumes made of?" Asks Mizuki as she smells a vase filled with perfume.

"Mostly water and verbs or flowers" Informs the nun while Mizuki begins to smirk.

"In other words, water" States Mizuki as she begins to collect small bottles of perfume. Katara does the same. Nyla and Zuko are cornering Aang. Zuko attacks Aang with two fire blasts. Suddenly, Sokka and the nuns pour the perfume pots onto the ground. Mizuki and Katara begin to waterbend the perfume into the air and pour it on Nyla. The animal begins to smell the different scents of perfume and is overwhelmed. The shirshu's vision becomes blurry and the animal begins to panic. Nyla paralyzes Zuko and June while Iroh catches his nephew.

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