18. Accomplice

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Double update!  Second one for today.  Enjoy.

Originally posted: April 11, 2022. Edited: February 17, 2023. 

I woke up the next day with a headache. Go figure. I looked at the furry form of a leopard curled around me. I stared blankly with swollen eyes. That's right. Yesterday, I had a meltdown. Super.

I just couldn't hold it in could I? What am I supposed to do now? I'm happy he can't understand most of my words. That's a first.

Nothing has actually changed. I'm still in the same boat I was before. Now I have a confession on my hands. I should have told Harvey that my hands can't hold shit.

I need to look at this positively. I have an ally. A reliable and nice one, but... No buts. For once, just take the nice thing presented on a silver platter. It's not like I'll treat him like shit. Even if I use him, I'll never abuse him. Stop rhyming Drew.

Yeah, it's not as funny as I thought It'd be. Sounds like a song I heard somewhere. It probably didn't go like that. Ugggh. Focus. I need to focus.

I need to stop worrying about the far future. Here or reality, I was never good at advanced planning. It doesn't matter if I reject or ignore Harvey's confession. He'll just keep doing what he's been doing. I'm going be the same mouthy bitch who can curse, but not have normal conversations.

I am in desperate need of help. No shit, Sherlock. Come on, Drew, positive affirmations. Acknowledging the need for help is the first step in the healing process. Perfect. That sounded just like my therapist.

I going to make Harvey regret his words. I won't tell him everything, but I'll tell him a shit ton. It's reckless. It's stupid. But I'm going to do it anyway. YOLO bitch. I need to turn Harvey from an ally to an accomplice.

My first attempt that day was a failure. My breakfast consisted of embarrassment and I choked on it. Harvey left to do Harvey things, while I stayed behind rolling on the floor.

My second attempt went better. It seems he didn't understand some of what I said before, thank god for my slang. Unfortunately, he still got the gist of what I said. I steered the conversation away with a hard left turn. Harvey didn't protest and let me, despite how obviously I was avoiding the subject. Points for you, Harvey.

I told him I was from another world and that I was here to mess everything up. He didn't find that funny, but didn't argue with me. After his initial 'oh fuck face' wore off, he took everything really well. He even agreed with my plan to pick up Winston. I had to explain hareming to him, but he got the concept real quick. That is how their world works after all.

"Hey Harvey, can you really just accept that? I would understand if you don't believe me. Even to me, both my explanations sound nuts."

"I am assuming 'nuts' means strange and not the kind bird beasts eat?"

"Close. It means crazy." I will teach this man slang yet. Maybe that's a bad idea actually.

"I've not thought of other worlds existing and I don't entirely understand the condition that is a coma. You have a 'plastic bottle' and a 'metal thermos,' as well as other items like pencils and paper, that I have never seen or heard of before. You also do not smell like any beast I have ever scented. It makes sense to me to believe you are from a completely different place."

"Oh, okay." I hope that smell isn't my BO. I should have thrown a deodorant in my bag.

I conveniently left out that this was a novel. That kind of explaining is way above my ability. I don't even know how to explain this to myself, let alone anybody else. I did tell him that I may or may not know parts of the future. He accepted that quickly too. Does nothing trip this guy up? Guess the ape king could do psychic shit already, so me doing it too wasn't that wack. I hinted that the ape king was shady as fuck and that was what made Harvey pause.

I didn't push him much and he didn't deny my claims exactly, but I could see his hesitation. We didn't dwell on it and moved on.

Harvey and I planned to visit the City of Beasts as soon my brain stopped playing the drums against my skull. He packed and I supervised. It was better that I don't participate. I'd forget something or break stuff. Best to watch a hot man work. I did make sure my bag had all my goods. I'd need that candy to secure my future.

The next few day I spent stressing and sweating. Yay. More BO. At least I didn't have to worry about a homicidal snake and could freely bathe. I even got to have a nice swim and my asshole stopped spewing fire. Got to try to appreciate the small joys. They haven't been coming around much.

Harvey gave me tea to unwind my tight ass. He also started giving me distractions. He even requested a drawing for the first time. It took him a lot of effort to ask for that favor, but I was stoked. Finally, I could do something useful.

I finished his commission which was actually pretty vague. He just wanted me to draw something for him. So I drew his leopard form. I feel like I did decently on it, but still worried about whether Harvey would like it. I seriously need to stop being such a pansy. He has never hated anything I have drawn. Even if he is incapable of insults, he still wouldn't hate it.

When he saw it, he almost cried. Turns out this guy was just really in touch with his emotions. I freaked out and tripped on uneven floorboards, when I tried to move too quick. Harvey and my drawing caught me. I found myself face-first into a surprisingly firm chest with bits of torn paper floating like petals. Except this was my life and not some cheesy romance.

I stood up abruptly and tried to awkwardly gather the bits, but the sketch was torn. Wow, I'm even less coordinated than I expected. My online raid partner refers to themselves as miss_fuk'em_upss, but I think I'm more suited for that title.

"I'll draw another."

"It's okay, Drew."

"I will draw another one.'

"Okay." That's right. Don't argue with me. I don't want to feel worse.

I was able to complete the sketch the night before our departure and Harvey insisted he bring it. Here I thought I couldn't get any more self-conscious, but Harvey proved me wrong. Damn him.

We set off on our short journey. I did manage to say goodbye to Eve. We only spoke twice tops, but she was decent and her cubs were adorable.

I kept expecting something to jump out and grab my ass and drag me screaming through the forest. I don't know why I kept expecting a sudden genre change. Maybe because I wasn't the main character here, I keep believing this world will fuck me over. It hasn't been kind so far.

Not true.

Harvey has saved my chonky existence since I have been here. Without him I would have been another tally in Parker's kill count.  

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