88. It's Coming!

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1/1 updates for today, August 13,2022.  My proofreader has come back to help! Many thanks to her for helping clean up any missed errors.  ^_^

Happy reading.

 I hissed as Winston helped me into the cold water. I insisted on washing the dirt and sweat off first. I scrubbed with jelly arms as quickly as I could. I buzzed with the sex hormones and didn't give a shit that the water wasn't a good temp. Winston lifted me out and I couldn't even summon up any embarrassment. Damn. I'm getting used to a lot aren't I?

I got dressed and Winston carried me. Didn't have any energy to protest and why would I? Hunky ride acquired. Not complaining at all. I felt the stomach grumble, but ignored it.

Shuu met us and I gave him a look. I can't read wolf, so I felt up the tat. Winston's happy hormones were the strongest and I couldn't feel any strong ones off Shuu. Great because that was hot as fuck. I knew Winston was holding back before. Sexy tiger did have it in him.

Once we got back, the high came down a little. My numb vagina was starting to feel again and it was sore. Not surprised. Winston's dick didn't get smaller. Come on pussy, you'll get over it soon. I have faith.

Heads turned and I flicked off some tigers. They didn't get my hand language so it had no effect. Tch. Not sure I'll ever get used to those stupid stares. Bastards even sniffed the air. Qingqing thought I had no tact. Men here make me look considerate.

Thankfully, no idiots tried to stop us and I went back to the room. Everyone was already home and I felt a new set of stares. Oh come on men, nothing new to see here.

"Drew," Harvey cautioned. It had taken them some time to return, but Harvey hadn't been overly concerned. The bond told him that Drew was perfectly fine and quite occupied.

"Yeah?" Why was Harvey looking at me like that? Rowan too?

"Shuu guarded?" Rowan questioned.

"Uh, yeah." I felt the heat crawl up my neck. Was there a need to ask?

Rowan sighed and let it go. Harvey nodded and relaxed. Alec, who had peeked into the room briefly, went back to egg sitting. I felt some weird tension fizzling out. What? Am I not allowed to fuck outside? Was that a bad thing?

"Harvey, care to fill a girl in?" I think I need to know now if this is a bad thing or not.

"You have less protection outside," Harvey started carefully. "Whoever you are mating with will be fully occupied..." Harvey noticed the blush creeping up Drew's cheeks, but didn't say anything about it. "Shuu is strong enough to protect you from curious males."

"Okay..." That's it? No big reveal. No huge fuck up with my name on it? "So everything is okay? Like really okay, not you are just trying to make me feel better okay?" I honed in on the tat, but there weren't any super strong emotions flying around Harvey.

"Yes." Harvey cracked a smile. It really was fine. He trusted Shuu. Harvey glanced at Rowan. From Harvey's observations, Rowan wasn't too pleased. Harvey didn't figure it was due to Drew's decision to mate outside, but Drew not having another mate around for protection. He figured Rowan wasn't used to the safety of the city and didn't trust in it. Harvey believed it was safe enough with a beast of three marks guarding while inside the city's perimeter.

Harvey spent the next few minutes assuring Drew that all was well. Winston set her down and she went straight to the side room. He handed a bowl of washed fruit to Shuu who carried it in to Drew. Harvey listened as his sons told Drew all about their day, despite their mother's inability to understand them. Smiling, he left to finish cooking dinner.

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