20. Dun Dun Duuun

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Second update for today, April 14th.  Enjoy

Edited: February 17, 2023.

Shuu kept me company for a while. I was doing great at the whole socializing thing until I remembered that Shuu was a solid 'maybe' on my hit list. My self conscious meter was climbing, so I let him do most of the talking.

I had been epically failing at my mission of conquest and harem building. I'm a big bitch now that I have experienced a brush with death. I need to go get 'em. Instead, here I am, acting like a pussy. What's there to be afraid of now? Three perfectly gorgeous men just brawled to win my hand in marriage.

Sure the blood and spit flying around was nasty, but those dudes were fighting for me. Why can't I just appreciate that fact and move along? I'm never going to get laid at this rate.

I've already been here for like a month maybe. Harvey said I slept a few days away and my stupid self didn't think to use my notebooks to record time or anything else important. I'm going to have to work on this. The big bad boss is close by and I don't have a plan or a harem to protect me. I'll just have to avoid the ape king and his mate for now. I don't want him to sense my fertility and fuck me over.

"Are you alright." While I was experiencing my inner monologue, Shuu had crouched down in front of me. This isn't a bad view at all. Shit. Focus, Drew.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff." Cool. I'm getting better at responding almost naturally now.

"I see. I'm sorry to interrupt you." Shuu didn't say that sarcastically. I bet this puppy-like man has no concept of sarcasm.

"No, it's oka..." Before I could finish, I was interrupted.

"You must be Harvey's female." The voice sounded calm and calculating. I snapped my head to check as my spidey senses tingled.

Sure enough, who else could it be but the ape king? Ugggh. Universe, you really have it out for me you bitch. What did I ever do to you?

"I'm her guardian," said an especially guilty looking Harvey. Dude don't bother correcting him. He'll get ideas.

"Ah, yes. Female, Harvey has purchased your den. Harvey insisted that you do not receive a large welcome, but I cannot abide in that. It is a joyous occasion and I, the ape king, want to personally welcome you to the City of Beasts." Wow. This guy is definitely a politician. No one else can speak so pretty, while being so dirty.

"As you are new to the city, we only ask that you select a mate from one of the eligible males." He glanced at Shuu briefly, but dismissed him otherwise. "If you do not have anyone in mind, we can hold a competition for you. Forgive me in that it will be smaller in size than usual. Our trading party will be bringing back females in the coming months and we do not want too many males injured."

Damn, this guy must love the sound of his own voice. This might not be terrible after all. He said 'if' I don't have anyone in mind. Which I do.

"I understand. I have a male in mind." I could see Shuu tense up. Is he scared I'll pick him? Or hopeful? Should I look at him? It'll be embarrassing, but maybe a quick glance.

Never mind. That's too difficult. Abort. Let's just add a sprinkle of fairy shit and see if Shuu takes the bait.

"Well two, but I'll only ask for one."

"Okay female. You can ask for both if you want. It seems like you are in need of males. You will need to increase your chance of bearing cubs." Ick. That's so fucked up, dude. My body, my business.

"I want Winston." Oh, guess he wasn't expecting that. So he can be at a loss for words. "Is there a problem? He's a tetra marked beast and unmated right? I choose him."

"There isn't a problem per se. You aren't from around here female. Winston would make a great mate... He isn't here now, but should be back in the coming months." This shit thinks I'll reject him when I see him, doesn't he?

"Please choose another male in the meantime, or as many as you would like." He's treating this like some kind of shopping spree. "You had another in mind, did you not?"

Well fuck. Guess I dug my own hole. Freaking live a little, Drew. Who knows if dying here means I'll wake up in reality. If he says no then it's fine. He wasn't in the definite plan anyway.

"This guy." I pointed and immediately felt like hell. What a romantic proposal.

"Shuu?" I swear I could see the wheels turning inside his schemy brain. "Okay. Do you accept this female?" The ape king asked Shuu. Someone needs to tell this guy he's missing some important lines. Where is the 'until death do you part?'

I tried to cover up my anxiety with a layer of bullshit to feel better. So far, it wasn't working.


Cough! Cough! It seemed like the perfect time to inhale my spit. That stuff was pooling in my mouth while I held my breath. Maybe it's actually a great time to die. I can test my theory and see if I wake up.

I mean sure. This guy hasn't met Qingqing yet, so he isn't attached. If I manage to sleep with him, then there will be no going back. By this world's own standards, Shuu can't leave me for another women, even if he wanted to.

Harvey patted me on the back until my coughing subsided. Bless this dude for treating my random fits of shame so naturally. Guess he's getting used to me.

"Good. Please feel free to choose any other eligible males here in the city. There are many and if you ever need help finding mates, don't ever hesitate to ask." He says that like he's offering gardening advice. "I am sure I will see you at the rainstorm festival. May your womb be fertile and cubs be strong."

Creepy much. Did he ever say such a weird line like that in the comic? Forget it. The ape king just loves to play ruler. I need to stop avoiding the fact that I just got engaged.

The ape king left looking pleased with himself. Did he even introduce himself? Focus, Drew. Who cares what his damn name is, I got more important shit to waste brain power on.

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