We Could've Been Doing This Long Ago

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Remus wasn't the shy type..at all. He was outgoing and over-sharing, he never backed down from a challenge or a conversation, no matter how awkward, in fact, he'd just purposely make it more awkward.

He was never shy about his kinks, either. So, when he'd be with his boyfriends, Janus, Virgil, and Logan, he never shied away from explaining what he liked, disliked, and was willing to try.

There was one thing he was worried about, though. His holding kink. He wasn't sure if it was actually a piss kink,he just loved to hold. God, how he wished he had one of his boyfriend's-or hell, all of them-to help him out and command him to hold until he was begging for release, leaking, barely able to make it, and if he didn't, he wanted to be punished and degraded-

However, he wasn't open to his boyfriends with this one kink. He wasn't sure why, it just felt awkward to talk about. He hated that piss was such a taboo subject.

Janus was a clean person-hell, he wore rubber gloves 24/7. Logan was the same, organized and cleanly. Virgil-well.

Virgil was just a moody, sarcastic biatch, he probably wouldn't be afraid to try it out, and if he wasn't interested he'd probably just flip the bird and roll his eyes, thinking Remus was joking.

So, Remus would often indulge himself in his kink. Sometimes not on purpose. Sometimes he'd find himself squirming and just decide to make a game out of it.

And that's exactly what had happened. He'd been drinking on and off for a while, and found himself needing to piss a few hours after lunch. He knew he peed before lunch, but that was hours ago, and he felt kinda full as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

He was in his bedroom, pacing the floors. He was thrilled with nerves. His boyfriends were home and awake. Something they usually weren't if he was trying out his kinks.

The thought of being caught was amazing.

And Remus wasn't one to end the game early, no, if he was called, or if one of them came in, you could be damned sure that he wasn't going to piss beforehand. He'd hold until he had to run out of the room with tears in his eyes because of constant leaking.

So, he sipped his can of a random monster energy drink on and off for thirty minutes until it was gone, and then got in his bed and pulled up some try not to pee challenge quiz things from google on his phone.

After a couple of those, which commanded him to drink cup after cup of liquids, do jumping jacks, squats, and press on his bladder harshly, he came across a question-well, a statement, that commanded him to relax, fully clothed, no squirming, no holding, no nothing.

So, that's what he did. He laid on their carpeted floor and closed his eyes, legs spread, relaxing.

Surprisingly, he didn't let go, but had to stop after a minute to squirm.

One of the things he had to do was turn on some water noises, so he turned on dripping taps and waterfall playlist noises on Spotify, and listened, laying down on his bed, pressing his bladder, moaning and squirming.

It was risky because he didn't have headphones on.

He began reading some Omorashi stories and tumblr chats, too, and watching videos of desperate people, coming across some more challenges.

So, twenty jumping jacks, and a couple planks later, he was near his limit. He was sure he'd have to rush to the bathroom soon.

Then, his boyfriends piled into the room. At this point, Remus was on the bed. Breathing erratically, legs shaking. He had a very obvious bulge in his bladder, which made his lower tummy look bloated.

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