Lost in the Moment

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"Good morning, babe!" Patton giggled, booping Janus' nose and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Mmmmmm, no. It's still too early, go back to bed.." Janus said grumpily.

"Honey, it's twelve in the afternoon. You said you needed to run some errands today, so you need to get up and eat something" Patton explained.

Janus sighed, "okay, i'm up" he grunted, rolling out of bed, "i'm going to go to the bathroom" he mumbled.

"Great, meet me in the dining room when you're done!" He beamed, skipping downstairs to the kitchen, and preparing the plates. The breakfast was already finished, he just needed to put it on the plates and make it look good.

He finished as Janus came walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and becoming less grumpy.

Patton sat down across from him, and Janus cracked a smile at the plate, two Sunny-side up eggs and a few strips of bacon on the plate arranged into a smily face, and a sausage nose.

"Thank you, Patton" Janus said, beginning to eat his food.

"No problem!" Patton chirped, beginning to eat his as well, as they engaged in some conversation.

By the time they finished, Janus was headed out the door, and Patton was working on clearing up the dishes, and washing up. "Bye Janus!" Patton called.

"Goodbye, love!" Janus yelled back, before Patton heard the door shut.

He sighed, and it was quiet again.


Patton was so incredibly bored. Janus had left hours ago! There was nothing to do! He'd already watched tv, and gulped about five cups of soda during the sad moments to keep himself busy from crying!

He had no friends over, and his lover wasn't there either. He could easily fix both of those problems, yes, but..he was starting to realize that he wanted to have a bit of fun with himself. He didn't do that often, because normally he'd have Janus show him how.

But, they'd been dating for a while, about to get married, and Patton thought that he was ready to try something on his own. He knew a lot about the more sexual side of himself thanks to Janus.

He wondered what he could do.

He knew how to masturbate, have s.εメ, and a bunch of other things. Ever since he met Janus, he quickly realized that he wasn't as innocent as some would think.

He was quickly becoming horny though, at the prospect of doing something without Janus, the thought of him coming home to him, laid out in all of his naked glory, doing-

Wait..doing what? Patton hadn't thought it through..what was he even going to do? He had a lot of ideas-a lot of things he wanted to do by himself, and not with Janus. He was embarrassed by it, but if he knew Janus was okay with it, he'd be more than happy to preform some kinks for him.

But he wasn't sure what he wanted to do, hell he wasn't even sure why he was so damn horny, he was literally about to penetrate his shampoo bottle, he needed to get off.

So, after a very brief internet search, he found this thing called 'self bondage' and he was very interested. It didn't seem too kinky or too much, he skimmed over some of the article, completely disregarding the safety precautions on accident, and got to work.

He didn't really have a plan incase things went wrong. He didn't have a pair of scissors near him to cut the rope, or a cell phone nearby to calls someone if something went wrong.

So once he got to his bedroom, he was shifting around and rubbing his thighs together, though it wasn't all do to the fact that he was incredibly horny..

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