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Just so I do not forget... Due to my memory loss issues

Josephs Legion

Joseph - main character
Adrian - owner of farn
Zoe - younger legion commander
John (Legion Leader)
Padre - Spanish theif
David (Josephs father)
Uncle - Joseph's old home owner
Julia - Joseph's girlfriend
Mariah (Josephs sister)
Travis (Legion deputy)
Timothy - bar worker, Joseph
Tom - important legion commander
Chad (The asshole)

Jangras tribe

Jangra - main character
Penta - Jangra's old she friend
Himla - Jangra's father
Sola - Jangra's mother
Socra - tribe deputy, Jangra's mentor
Mik - Jangra's sister
Ipse - wise old dragon (Pentas grand father)
Kota - Jangra's best friend
Zati - Kota's mate
Kip - Jangra's good friend
Lunk (warrior dragon)
Nink - small cave dragon
Wiplun (Ninks sister)
Ting - Warrior dragon

Black Dragons


Other Red Dragons
Monza - She dragon, tribe leader, red
Omplo - Old he dragon, tribe leader, friends with Himla's father

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