Chapter 36: The Beginning (Jangra's PoV)

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The last few days had been very very rough on me. I had a lot of thoughts that were going through my head right now. As I felt like I wanted to sleep beside Yikla, as I felt like I still did in fact kind of have feelings for her.
As well as the excuse that I knew very well that I could in fact use. Which was of course the fact that I knew that she was sleeping beside my father. But I felt like it was too hard for me to want to do as such a thing like that, never the less, at that.
As I kind of just seemed to have stood there, and I had in fact just seemed to have stared for just a few moments more time, at that. As I just then did in fact just seem to start to notice that it was that out of the corner of my eyes, none the less.
That I saw that it was that it did in fact seem like it was. That my best friend Kota, who it was I had in fact decided to sleep beside the last few days. As I knew that it was that I had in fact told him that it was of course.
That I was trying to help him through what it was that was going on with his own mate, at that. But the both of us did in fact know better than that. As we both knew the real reason that it was that I had in fact decided to sleep beside him, at that.
As it was just due to the simple fact of the matter that it was of course. That I felt like I did not want to get any where near Yikla right now. As I knew that it was of course, that it kind of hurt Yikla, as I had seen her look on over towards me a few times.
But I felt like I did in fact not care what so ever. As I felt like I did in fact not want to get any sort of closer than it was that I had been before now. As I kind of just seemed to stand there, and I just seemed to stare for just a few seconds more time, at that.
As in the end, I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right in ahead, all at the exact same time too. And I just then did in fact just seem to start to continue to let out a little bit of a rough sigh to my self, at that. As I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts that it was that I had in fact even been thinking on long before now, at that.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have stood there and stared away from Yikla, at that. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to notice that it was. That Kota then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead, at that.
And he just then did in fact just seem to start to speak on over towards me, all at the exact same time too. As I felt like it was that I was a little bit too scared to look at my friend right in to his eyes just now, at that. As I simply did in fact just seem to start to begin to listen as to just what ever it was that he did in fact feel like he even needed to say towards me just now. From where it was that I was in fact seeming to stare right down at the ground, at that.
"Come on Jangra... I know you still are in love with Yikla... It's clear that she feels the same way about you... Just go and try to talk to her..." He said to me, all at the exact same time too. As I saw that it was that my best friend did in fact just seem to have his eyes squinted on over towards me.
Just as soon as it was that he had in fact even just said as to just what it was that he had said to me. As I felt like I wanted to deny the accusations that it was that he had said to me. As to the fact that it was that I felt like I wanted to tell him that I was not in love with her, and that I never was.
But I knew that the guilty look that I did in fact have on my face right now, would in fact of course. Tell him other wise as to that being the truth, all at the exact same time too. As I kind of just seemed to let out quite a bit of a rough sigh to my self, at that.
As in the end, I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead, all at once, at that. And I then did in fact just seem to start to get my mind and my focus off of all of the rest of that other stuff, at that. As I got my mind and focus on to the fact that it was that I just seemed to stare at my best friend right in to his eyes.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to stare at him for just a slight bit more time, all at once, at that. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead. And I then did in fact just seem to start to speak on over towards him, at that.
As based off of the fact that it was that he seemed to be looking right back in to my own eyes just now. It was in fact very clear to me as to the fact that it was, none the less. That he was in fact just now beginning to start to listen as to just what it was that I even needed to say to him just now, all at the exact same time too, at that.
"I don't want to Kota... I don't want to be labeled as a traitor either... I don't know if I still feel the same way about her like I used to..." I said on over towards him, all at the exact same time as well, never the less, at that. As I kind of just seemed to just stand there and stare at him for just a few moments more time.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have done as such a thing like that, all at the exact same time too. That was when I just then in the end, did in fact just seem to start to see that it was, all at once, at that. That he then did in fact just seem to start to just go right on ahead, at that. And he then did in fact just seem to start to let out quite a bit of a rough sigh to him self, all at once, none the less.
As soon as it was that he had in fact just seemed to have stood there and stared right back on over towards me, all at once, at that. He then did in fact just seem to start to look all around me, all at the exact same time too. As he then did in fact just seem to start to all of the sudden go right on ahead and make sure that no one had in fact been listening as to just what ever it was that we had in fact even just said to one another, at that.
I kind of felt like he had a little bit of a fair point on just what it was that he was doing, at that. As he had probably thought on the fact that it was that he did in fact not want me to be labeled as a traitor either, to heart, at that. As he knew that it was that his own mate was about to be labeled as a traitor very soon from now, at that.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have thought on that for just a few more moments, at that. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to suddenly go right on ahead in the end, at that. And I just then did in fact just once again begin to start to hear his voice as he then did in fact just seem to start to speak to me just as it was that he had done before now.
I kind of let out a little bit of a soft sigh to my self at first, at that. As in the end, I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead, all at the exact same time too. And I just then did in fact just seem to start to begin to listen as to just what ever it was that he felt like he even needed to say right back on over towards me, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
"Alright... You might be right... Let's just get some sleep... We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, if what Yikla says is true..." He said back on over towards me, all at once, at that. As he just then did in fact just seem to start to dip his head quite a bit low to the ground, just as soon as it was that he had in fact even just said as to just what it was that he had even said to me, none the less.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have stood there and stared at him for just a few seconds longer, all at the exact same time as well, at that. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead, all at the exact same time too. And I just then did in fact just seem to start to see that it was that he did in fact just seem to start to close his eyes.
As it was clear to me that he was in fact doing as to just what it was that he had told me that I should do. Which was a little bit of a surprise to me. And it was a little bit of a shock to me that it was that he was going to give up that easy. As it felt like it was not a normal thing for him to be that way, all at the exact same time too.
I kind of just shook my head a little bit to my self, all at once, at that. As I just seemed to start to get my mind and my focus off of all of the rest of that other stuff, all at once. As I too then did in fact just seem to start to turn my head away from my friend. And I also then did in fact just seem to start to close my eyes all of the sudden, all at the exact same time too, at that.
I was a little bit hungry if it was that I was not going to lie to my self either. But I felt like I would have to get over that for at least the night time, all at the exact same time too. As I knew that it was dangerous for me to go out on my own in the middle of the night, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to clear my mind, and I just seemed to clear my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts, at that. That was when I just then in the end, it did not take me all that much longer. But to go right on ahead and be able to fall asleep of course.

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