Chapter 24: Sleep Right Now (Jangra's PoV)

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"Well... It is a surprise... But I don't think this is a trick... And we were planning on attacking them any ways... Your father is coming back with an army..." She said to me, all at the exact same time too, at that. As I was a bit surprised as to just what it was that Socra had even said to me in the very first place any ways.
It seemed like I was always the one that told them all about every thing. And as soon as it was that they had in fact just done as to such a thing that it was that I was doing. It seemed like they never wanted to tell me as to just what it was that was going on.
As Socra and my father had simply just told me the same thing that it was that they had told the rest of the tribe, never the less. As to the fact that it was that my father was going to go and speak to them about a potential attack, all at the exact same time too. As they had not told me as to the fact that it was that they were in fact bringing a whole army back with them, all at the exact same time too.
I was quite a bit lost in my thoughts for just a few moments of some time, if it was that I was not going to lie to my self either. As I felt like it was hard for me to trust them, if it was that they could not show any trust back on over towards me, at that. As I kind of just seemed to have squinted my eyes on over towards Socra, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have stood there, and I had in fact just seemed to stare for just a few moments more of some time, all at the exact same time too. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to speak back on over towards her. As I felt like it was that I needed to be serious with her.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have begun to start to do as such a thing like that, all at once. That was when I just then in the end, all at the exact same time as well. I then did in fact begin to start to see her nod on over to me. As she had a calm and a smooth look on her face as it was that she had let me know that she was in fact paying her full attention on to just what it was that I was in fact about to go on ahead and say to her.
I kind of just let out a bit of a rough sigh to my self, all at once. As I did my best to just try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could do in the mean time, all at once. As I just then did in fact begin to start to suddenly go right on ahead, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
And I just then did in fact just decide that it was that I was going to continue to speak on over towards her. As I knew that it was of course, that she was in fact just now beginning to start to listen as to just what it was that I did in fact feel like I even needed to say on over towards her, all at the exact same time as well, at that.
"So... Why did you decide not to tell me all of this? It seems like for me being the dragon of destiny... There sure is a lot of stuff you don't want to tell me... And you simply just expect me to trust you?" I said, as I kind of just scoffed as to just what it was that I had even just said to her, all at the exact same time too.
I was kind of upset as to just all that it was that was even going on right now, never the less. As it felt like it was a little bit hard for me to keep my emotions held down, all at the exact same time too. As it felt like there was simply far too much that was in fact going on for me to even imagine, all at the exact same time too.
I did my best to just try to act as calm, and as cool as I felt like I possibly could, all at once. As I just then did in fact just seem to start to see a little bit of a surprised, and a little bit of a shocked look on the face of Socra, all at the exact same time too. As it was clear to me that she was in fact a little bit lost as to just what it was that I had in fact even just said to her.
I grunted a little bit to my self, all at the exact same time too. As I felt like this was all just stupid, as I felt like she was bluffing. There was no way that she could actually be acting as dumb as it was that she seemed to be playing just now, at that.
As it was that I was just about to close my eyes to try to calm my self down, all at once. That was when I just then did in fact begin to start to see as to the fact that it was. That Socra then did in fact just seem to start to suddenly nod right back on over towards me. As it was clear to me that she was letting me know that she was about to speak right back on over towards me, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have begun to start to see her do as such a thing like that, all at the exact same time too. That was when I just then did in fact begin to start to go right on ahead, all at the exact same time as well, none the less. And I just then did in fact suddenly begin to start to nod right back on over towards her. As I did in fact let her know that I was in fact paying my full attention on over towards her at the very least.
As soon as it was that she had in fact just so happened to have seemed to have seen me do as such a thing like that, all at once. That was when she just then in the end, all at the exact same time too, at that. She then did in fact just seem to start to continue to speak on over towards me. As I of course, just then did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what ever it was that she did in fact feel like she even needed to say on over towards me, at that.
"I don't know what to tell you Jangra... You simply just need to trust us... We are your leaders... Why would we purposely try to do some thing against you?" She said to me, all at the exact same time too, all at once. As it was that she was trying to act like she was the good guy in this situation, all at the exact same time too.
As if I was the villain for the simple fact that it was that I did not have a single clue as to just what it was that was even going on half of the time, all at the exact same time too. As that was of course due to the fact that it was, that they just felt like. That they did not have to say any thing to me, and they expected me to know all that it was that was going on right now.
I was tired of it, as I felt like I almost some times really felt like I just wanted to ask Yikla if she wanted to run away with me. And we just go some where that we would never be found in the end less world, all at the exact same time too, at that. As that was of course due to the fact that I still did not feel like I could fully trust her, all at the exact same time as well.
I felt sick, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should do at this point, if it was that I was not going to lie to my self either. It almost kind of felt like Socra and Himla were in fact lying to me at this point. Which I knew was not the fact that it was that it just so happened to be what so ever, all at the exact same time too.
As it was more the fact that it was that it kind of felt like they were hiding the truth from me, all at the exact same time too, at that. As I felt like it kind of hurt me quite a bit, at that. As it led back as to just what it was that Socra had in fact even just said to me just now, all at the exact same time too, all at once, at that.
As in the end, I just then did in fact just seem to start to suddenly go right on ahead, all at once. And I just then did in fact seem to start to squint my eyes right back on over to my mentor, all at once, at that. As I just then did in fact begin to start to speak back on over towards her, in a not so happy tone of voice, at that.
As it was that I had in fact just so happened to have begun to start to do as such a thing like that, all at the exact same time as well, never the less. That was when I just then did in fact begin to start to see that it was. That Socra then did in fact begin to start to nod right back on over towards me, all at the exact same time too. As it was clear that it was that I knew that she was in fact paying my full attention on to just what it was that I was about to say on over towards her, at that.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have begun to start to realize that it was in fact the case, all at the exact same time as well, at that. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to continue to speak on over towards her, at that. As I knew that it was of course, that she was in fact just now beginning to start to listen as to just what ever it was that I felt like I even needed to say back on over towards her just now.
"So... You basically are ignoring my question then... Well that's cool... I guess it's more the fact that you just don't trust me... It's what ever... I am so done at this point..." I said on over towards her, all at the exact same time too, all at once, at that. As I could feel the anger, and I could feel the rage building up in to me, all at the exact same time as well, none the less.
As in the end, I just then did in fact do my best to try to keep it calm, and to try to keep it under control, all at the exact same time too, at that. As I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead, all at the exact same time as well, all at once. And I just then did in fact begin to start to begin to start to walk out of the leaders cave, all at the exact same time too.
As I felt like I was far too tired for all of this at this point, all at the exact same time as well. As I felt like I would feel so much better as soon as it was that I did in fact get a good day of sleep, all at the exact same time too. As I kind of just seemed to breathe in quite a bit of a heavy sigh to my self, all at once, just as soon as it was that I had in fact thought on those thoughts, all at the exact same time too.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm, and to try to keep my self as normal as I felt like I possibly could in the mean time, all at once. As I just was about to leave the cave, all at the exact same time too. Until that was of course, much to my annoyance, all at the exact same time as well. That I just then did in fact begin to start to hear the voice of Socra, as she just then did in fact begin to start to speak on over towards me, all at once.
Just as soon as it was that I had in fact heard her voice, and I had in fact just seemed to begin to start to realize that it was the case, all at once. That was when I just then did in fact begin to start to turn my head on over towards her once again. And I let out quite a bit of a rough sigh to my self, all at the exact same time as well.
I felt too worn out for all of this, if it was that I was in fact going to be for real with my self, all at the exact same time too, at that. As I just then did in fact just seem to start too just nod right back on over towards her one last time, all at once. As I let her know that it was that I was in fact paying my full attention on to just what it was that she did in fact feel like she even needed to say on over towards me.
As it was that she had in fact just seemed to have begun to start to realize that it was that I had in fact just seemed to have begun to start to do as such a thing like that. That was when she just then did in fact begin to start to continue to speak on over towards me, all at once. As I of course, just then did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what ever it was that she did in fact feel like she even needed to say to me in the very first place any ways, once again, at that.
"It's not that we don't trust you... We just don't want our plans to go out to any body... We just don't trust who it is that you will tell..." She said to me, all at the exact same time too, as I saw that she did in fact have her eyes squinted right back on over towards me, all at once, at that. As I kind of just seemed to stand there, and I kind of just seemed to stare for just a little bit more time, all at once, at that.
As I did my best to try to keep my self as calm, and I did my best to try to keep my self as normal as I felt like I could in the mean time, all at once. As in the end, all at the exact same time too, all at once, at that. I just then did in fact begin to start to dip my head a little bit low to the ground. As I felt like she had a bit of a fair point on to just what it was that she had said to me.
How ever, I still felt like I really did not want to hear as to just what it was that she felt like she had needed to say on over towards me in the very first place any ways, at that. As I kind of just then did in fact begin to start to go right on ahead, all at the exact same time as well, all at once.
And I just then did in fact begin to start to walk out of the cave, as if it was that I had pretended that I had not heard as to just what it was that she had even felt like she had needed to say on over towards me in the very first place any ways, never the less. As I kind of wish that I had not, all at the exact same time too. As I kind of just seemed to utter a little bit of a heavy sigh to my self, all at once.
I felt like I could not just leave on that note how ever, all at the exact same time too, all at once. As I felt like I had to just say one last thing towards her, all at the exact same time as well. As I just then quickly did in fact just seem to start to turn my head on over towards her, as if it was that I was not tired at all, what so ever.
As I felt like I had one last thing to say on over towards her, to try to make her feel a little bit bad, all at the exact same time too, at that. As I just then did in fact begin to start to see that it was, that as it was that I had in fact just so happened to have seemed to have turned my head around. I saw that it was, never the less. That she was still staring right back on over towards me, all at the exact same time too.
It kind of made me feel a little bit off for my self, if it was that I was not going to lie to my self. As I did my best to try to get a little bit of some sort of control over my self, at that. As I just began to start to gulp a little bit all of the sudden, all at once.
As in the end, I finally then did in fact decide to go right on ahead, all at the exact same time too. And I just then did in fact begin to start to nod right back on over towards her. To let her know that it was, that I was in fact about to go right on ahead and say one last little thing on over towards her.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have begun to start to do as such a thing like that, all at once. That was when I just then did in fact in the end, all at once. I then did in fact just seem to start to see her with out any sort of hesitation at all.
She of course did in fact just so happen to seem to go on ahead and nod on over towards me. As it was clear to me that she was in fact letting me know that she was in fact paying her full attention on to just what it was that I felt like I needed to say on over towards her, all at once, at that.
As it was that I had in fact kind of, more or less. I had in fact began to start to all of the sudden just started to speak to her, all at the exact same time too. I knew that it was that she was in fact just now, beginning to start to listen as to just what ever it was that I had in fact felt like I had in fact even needed to say on over towards her, all at the exact same time as well.
"Well... Goodnight Socra..." I said, as I did my best to not show a little bit of a smirk on my face, as soon as it was that I had in fact said as to just what it was that I had said to her. As I just did my best to try to act as normal as I felt like I possibly could, all at once. And to just act like it was that I was in fact still tired, just as it was that I had kind of seemed to have felt like just a few moments before now.
As it was that I had in fact just kind of seemed to have begun to start to do as such a thing like that. It felt like it was that it was not hard for me to act tired what so ever, as I knew that it was of course, that I was in fact worn out. And that it was that I was in fact tired, all at the exact same time too. As I knew that there was no way that I was going to hide that what so ever.
I kind of just got my mind, and I got my focus on that for just a few moments, all at the exact same time too. That was of course until it was that I had in fact just then began to start to notice the look that was on the face of Socra, all at the exact same time too. As I kind of could in fact tell that she was in fact feeling a little bit bad about all of this.
Which of course was just what it was that I had in fact planned. As I had wanted her to feel bad about the fact that it was that she had made me travel, and she had made me stay up all night to go and meet a dragon that had felt like had in fact betrayed me, of course. As well as the fact that it was that I also knew that it was of course.
That it was in fact the early morning, all at the exact same time too. As the day had just started, but that was of course not the case for me, as I knew that I was about to go in to the cave. And I was about to go and sleep for a very long time, all at the exact same time too. As I was not all too quite sure as to just when it was that I was in fact going to wake up, at that.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have stood there, and I had in fact just seemed to have stared for just a few moments longer. I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead, all at once. And I then did in fact begin to start to get my mind, and my focus off of all of that.
I did in fact turn my head away from Socra, as it was clear that she really did not have a single clue as to just what exactly it was that she should even say back to me. Which kind of made me just let out a little bit of a soft sigh to my self. As I felt like it was for the better if it was that she was just going to sit there and think on those thoughts for just a little bit more time.
As I kind of just then did in fact just seem to start to continue to head on over to just where it was that I knew that the cave was at, all at the exact same time too, at that. As just as it was that I had in fact just seemed to have taken a few steps, all at the exact same time too, all at once. That was when I just then did in fact hear the voice of a familiar dragon begin to start to speak on over to me.
I groaned, as it was not due to the fact that it was that this dragon in specific was in fact trying to speak on over to me right now. As it was more just the fact that it was that I just wanted to go on to the cave and get some sleep, all at the exact same time too. As I kind of just seemed to have stood there, and I kind of just seemed to have stared for just a little bit more time, all at once, at that.
As in the end, I just then did in fact just seem to start to turn my head on over towards the dragon, all at the exact same time too, at that. As just as it was that I had in fact just seemed to have began to start to do as such a thing like that, all at once. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to suddenly go right on ahead, all at the exact same time too. And I then did in fact just seem to start to calm my self down. As I saw that the dragon did in fact just so happen to be Nink that was speaking to me just now.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have begun to realize that it was in fact the case, all at the exact same time too, all at once. That was when I just then did in fact begin to start to go right on ahead, all at once. And I then did in fact begin to start to nod right back on over towards him. As tired as it was that I felt like I might be. I did in fact let him know that it was that I was in fact paying my full attention on to just what ever it was that he did in fact feel like he even needed to say on over towards me in the very first place any ways, none the less.
As soon as it was that I had in fact just seemed to have began to start to do as such a thing like that, all at the exact same time too. That was when I just then did in fact just seem to start to see his eyes get a little bit wide. As he just then did in fact just seem to start to continue to speak on over towards me, all at once. As I of course, then did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what it was that my old friend did in fact feel like he even needed to say on over towards me, all at the exact same time as well, never the less.
"Whoah Jangra! We have been looking for you all morning! You look worn out! Have you been out all night!" He said to me, as I knew that it was that he was spot on with just what it was that he had in fact felt like he had even just said to me, all at once. As I felt like there was no use, and that there was no point on denying as to the fact that it was the case, at that.
As it was clear that it was that I had not been in camp, if it was that every one had been looking for me for one thing, at that. As well as the fact that it was that I was clearly out of it, all at the exact same time too. As I kind of just felt like I was ready to fall on the ground right now. And that I was ready to just fall asleep as to just where it was that I was sitting at right now, all at the exact same time too.
How ever, I did in fact just seem to start to stop my self from doing as such a thing like that, all at once. As I felt like it was that I needed to be strong right now, all at the exact same time too. As I kind of felt like I should try to make up a story, which kind of made me feel a little bit angry as to the fact that it felt like I had to do as such a thing like that, as well.
As I knew that it was that I was simply just covering up Socra and Himla, all at the exact same time too. Which did in fact just kind of make me feel upset as to the fact that it was that I knew that I felt like I did in fact have do as such a thing like that. As I knew that it was clear that they were in the wrong for just what it was that they were doing just now. And how it was that I could easily take the blame for it all, all at the exact same time too.
I felt like there was no use in me trying to fight back against it at this point, if it was that I was not going to lie to my self either, at that. As I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead. And I just then did in fact just nod right back on over towards Nink. As I let him know that it was, that I was in fact about to speak on over towards him, all at the exact same time too.
As soon as it was that he had in fact just so happened to have seemed to have seen me do as such a thing like that, all at once, at that. He did in fact just so happen to have seemed to have blinked his eyes a few times at first. As in the end, he just then did in fact begin to start to nod right back on over towards me all of the sudden. As it was clear that he was in fact letting me know that it was that he was in fact paying his full attention on to just what ever it was that I felt like I even needed to say on over towards him, all at once.
As it was that I had in fact just so happened to have seemed to have begun to start to do as such a thing like that, all at the exact same time too, all at once. That was when I just then in the end, all at the exact same time as well never the less. I then did in fact just seem to start to continue to speak on over towards him. As I knew that it was of course, that he was in fact just now beginning to start to listen as to just what ever it was that I did in fact feel like I even needed to say on over towards him, all at the exact same time too, at that.
"Yeah... I was out doing a mission for Socra all night..." I said, as I kind of felt like I might have just messed up, and I might have just slipped up on just what it was that I had said. As perhaps Socra and my father were in fact right on the fact that it was that they felt like they could not trust as to the fact that it was that I might tell other people too much, all at once.
As I for some odd reason or another, felt a little bit of a sudden urge to tell him all about how my father was in fact going to come back to camp with an army, at that. As I kind of just did my best to try to keep my self as calm, and as normal as I felt like I possibly could, all at the exact same time too, all at once, at that. As in the end, I just then did in fact get my mind and my focus off of all of that.
I saw that it was that Nink did in fact have his eyes a little bit wide as soon as it was that I had in fact just said as to just what ever it was that I had in fact just said to him. As it was clear that it was that he was in fact trying to think on to just what it was that I had even meant on just what it was that I had even said to him. As it was clear to me that it was in fact the case, all at the exact same time too.
I kind of gulped a little bit to my self, all at the exact same time too, just as soon as it was that I had in fact just kind of began to start to realize as to the fact that it was in fact the case, all at the exact same time too. As in the end, I just then did in fact just seem to start to get my mind, and my focus off of all of the rest of that other stuff, all at the exact same time too.
I did my best to try to act as calm, and as normal as I felt like I possibly could, all at once. As I did my best to try to not give all too much away to him, all at the exact same time too. As I knew that it was that I had already slipped up, and I had already messed up as it was so far, at that. As I kind of just did my best to try to keep my self as calm, and as normal as I felt like I possibly could, all at once.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to manage to do as such a thing like that, all at the exact same time too. That was when I just then in the end, all at the exact same time as well. Did in fact just seem to start to see Nink nod right back on over towards me. As it was clear to me, that he was letting me know that he was about to go right on ahead and speak right back on over towards me.
As soon as it was that I had in fact just seemed to have seemed to have seen my friend do as such a thing like that, all at once. I just did my best to try to keep my self as calm and as normal as I felt like I possibly could. As in the end, I just then did in fact begin to start to nod right back on over towards him, all at once. As I let him know that I was in fact paying my full attention on to just what ever it was that he felt like he even needed to say to me just now, all at once.
As soon as it was that he had in fact just so happened to have seemed to have seen me do as such a thing like that. That was when he then did in fact just seem to start to begin to start to speak on over towards me. As I of course, did in fact just seem to start to begin to listen as to just what ever it was that he did in fact feel like he even needed to say on over towards me, all at the exact same time as well, never the less, all at once.
"Alright... Well you clearly need some sleep, so you should just go and get some sleep right now..."

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