Chapter 48

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×~ On The Run ~×

"Tubbo, where the hell are we going?" Tommy asked with a furrowed brow.

"Phil said I'm finally healed," Tubbo said, a proud grin plastered on his face, "And I'm a little stir crazy after being stuck inside for three weeks."

"That doesn't answer my question," The blonde huffed.

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "We're going exploring!" He declared, "I'm also hoping we'll be able to find a place with enough snow to finally be able to have a snowball fight."

"Hell yeah! Ready to lose miserably just like last time?" Tommy asked with a determined smile.

"Oh, you're on bitch!" Tubbo challenged before he started running forward. Tommy started chasing after him. They tore through town, shoving each other, trying to gain the lead, yet they were careful enough not to run into any town's people. They had no idea where they were going but they both wanted to get there before the other. Neither one of them paid much attention to the people they passed which is something they should probably be doing as there was a group of endermen wearing matching uniforms that were from out of town.

Soon they found themselves outside of town and in the middle of a snow-covered clearing. despite the warming weather the tall trees around the clearing managed to cast enough shadows to protect the snow from the sun. It was the perfect place for a snowball fight. 

The two were quick to build their defences and start working on their supply of weapons. They waited patiently for the other to let their guard down for just long enough so they could get the first hit in. But one wasn't patient enough. Tubbo got out from his cover, snowball in hand, and chucked it at Tommy. The blonde easily ducked behind his cover and remained unscathed.

He took this opportunity to throw one of the snowballs he had been holding. Tubbo tried to get out of the way but wasn't fast enough and ended up getting hit square in the face. As the brunette dived for cover while trying to wipe the snow out from his eyes Tommy threw his other snowball and hit Tubbo's left shoulder causing him to wince. The rock that was in the second snowball hit the ground soon after he did.

Tubbo glanced over at the small grey mass and was struck with an idea, "Why did you put a fucking rock in it!" He barked, an evil smile spread across his face.

"I wanted to put the fight into snowball fight!" Tommy laughed as he got back behind his cover.

"But Phil doesn't want us doing that anymore," Tubbo whined as he grabbed the rock and started packing it into a snowball of his own.

"Oh my god," The blonde groaned, "Stop being so dramatic; if I let you get a free hit on me will you stop whining?"

"Sure, just no more rocks in the snowballs. I don't want either of us to get hurt," The goat hybrid agreed with a smile as he grabbed another snowball from his stockpile. Tommy stood up and so did Tubbo, although he did his best to conceal the snowball in his left hand. He stared at Tommy, calculating the best place to hit him.

"Hurry up, I'm tired of just standing here!" Tommy yelled as he opened up his arms. It kind of looked like he was waiting for a hug. Within moments the first snowball flew from Tubbo's hand and hit Tommy's chest.

The blonde winced and started to get behind his cover again, "You fucking asshole!" Tubbo threw the other snowball and ended up accidentally hitting him in the head.

"Sorry!" He called as he got back behind cover. Sure throwing snowballs with rocks packed inside them probably isn't the safest idea, but it makes deciding who won the battle so much easier. The last man standing wins; just try not to hit the other's head with one of the more dangerous snowballs. (I don't suggest doing this IRL)

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