Chapter 49

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×~ Orphan Killer ~×

We dashed past trees, seemingly grey in the frozen landscape. Despite it now being spring it was still incredibly cold. Every time I exhaled a thick cloud of fog escaped my mouth. I tried to focus on the beauty of the glistening ice that seemed to creep onto everything it could get its cold claws on.

It didn't work.

Dread continued to force itself into the forefront of my mind. I don't feel safe, I don't want to be here, I don't want to be the reason people get hurt. Everyone has been so nice to me and it's my fault we're in danger. I should leave them, I've already taken so much from them and have been nothing but a burden.

They won't even care if I'm gone. It's not like I've made much effort to talk to anyone besides Techno or Tubbo. I've just been quietly reading for the past few weeks, content to keep to myself out of the cold.

A sharp pain began to roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped the tear from my face. The way my negative emotions bubble up and spill out whenever something mildly upsetting happens to me is annoying, especially for the people around me. They shouldn't have to deal with my stupid emotions. It's not fair.

"Techno," Tommy whined, "Can we slow down? I'm exhausted." They were practically dragging their feet.

"No," The piglin huffed, "We need to cover as much ground as possible."

"Please," The blonde begged.

"No," Technoblade said, shooting an annoyed look back at Tommy.

"C'mon Techno, a short break won't hurt," Tubbo chimed in, "I'm sure it would do us good."

The piglin groaned, "Ranboo, what do you think?" They glanced back at me and I jumped.

"I don't care either way," I shrugged. Taking a small break would be nice but I'd push through my discomfort if Techno thinks it'd be best.

The piglin slowed to a stop, "We can stop for 10 minutes," They glared at Tommy, "No more than that."

Tommy grinned before they fell to the ground. I wasn't too fond of their smile; it wasn't the happy kind. I'm glad it wasn't directed at me.

Tubbo was the next to sit down. They had a smug smile, similar to Tommy's, just less intense.

I was the last to get to the ground; Techno decided to remain standing. I was more careful than Tommy or Tubbo. I had to make sure that I was sitting on my cloak and not on the icy wet ground. I was happy to let my legs rest and my breath settle but something seemed to be bugging Tommy and they were looking at Technoblade weird. Yet strangely, despite their usual demeanour, they didn't say anything about it.

The piglin's ear twitched as they gave Tommy the side eye. They huffed and scanned the surrounding area. I don't hear anyone approaching, but it's better to be safe than sorry I suppose.

"Technoblade, were you a war hero?" The blonde's sudden question caught me off guard and I could feel myself jump. I glanced over at Techno who was now staring at Tommy wide-eyed.

They seemed to get their bearings again and continued to examine our surroundings, "I probably would have been considered one if I didn't go on an orphan killing rampage as soon as I finished serving," They said plainly. I felt my mouth fall open and I stared at the piglin wide-eyed.

"Why have I never fucking heard of this?" Tommy shouted.

"It doesn't fit my brand," Technoblade shrugged. Their posture tensed slightly yet their voice remained monotone.

"Damn, I didn't know you could do good things," Tubbo laughed. I brought my attention over to them. Tubbo, if you're not joking, I'm going to cry.

"I was like 19 at the time, I've changed for the better," Techno said. I looked back over at them, they were smiling and just generally looked amused by the whole situation. I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding. Oh thank the Gods, this is probably just some weird joke.

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