Important Update

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I'm going to stop posting every Wednesday. I've grown tired of just working on this fic so I made a new one. I just posted the first chapter of it today if you're interested, it's called A Star-Filled World.

Don't worry about Lost, I'm not abandoning it lol. I've worked on it for over a year now, and I'm finishing it no matter what. I just recently realized that I'm not tired of writing, I'm tired of writing Lost so I'm going to split my attention into multiple projects so I won't need to take as many breaks.

So far it's going well, I think I might end up writing more because of this change :)

Also, this part isn't important, but A Star-Filled World is an alternate universe of Lost where the inciting incidents for both Ranboo and the SBI+Tubbo didn't happen. And seeing as that fic has more structure and I actually put some thought into the plot before I started writing it, there's a good chance you might get a better idea of why the things that are happening in Lost are happening lol

Or maybe you won't, who knows.

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