Chapter 52

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×~ Whispers In The Dark ~×

Heavy winds tore through the trees, as a gentle snow fell. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo's conversations had died down to low mumbles as the night went on. As they began nodding off where they sat, they decided to let Techno finally take his turn to watch camp. A distant tall figure who had discovered the light of the campfire many hours before finally decided to flee the area at the sight of the Blood God emerging from his tent.

I now sat alone by the crackling fire. The distant footsteps that came from the forest begged to be followed. But the three teens were almost certainly still awake, and worrying them for what was probably nothing seemed cruel. That, however, didn't stop me from keeping my eyes locked on the forest instead of a book like I usually did.

After what felt like several agonizingly long minutes of nothing but silence, Phil began to shuffle around inside his tent. My gaze fell off the forest momentarily and onto his tent. After a few seconds, his head popped out.

"Hey mate," He quietly called as he began to crawl out.

"Hey, Phil," I huffed, "What are you doing up this late?" I brought my gaze back to the forest.

It took a moment for Philza to respond, "Are you alright?" He asked with a low laugh. "The sun's just about to rise."

"What, no, it-" I cut myself off. He was right. "Huh," Just as I began wondering where they went, the chorus of voices that I had grown so familiar with filled my head once again.

I jumped slightly when a small weight began to rest on my shoulder. A glance in that direction showed that it was just Phil, giving me a reassuring smile.

I let out a long sigh, "Sorry." 

"Is something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head and looked back out at the forest.

"No, the voices just decided to leave me alone all night, and I got a little confused," I shrugged.

"Well, that's nice I guess," Phil smiled as he took his hand off of me. I nodded with a hum as I finally let my guard drop.

Soon we fell back into the familiar routine of preparing camp to leave. Packing up our tents, and making food while we waited for the others to wake up. We would typically wait for everyone to wake up on their own, but considering our current situation we’ll just have to deal with Wilbur complaining about not getting enough beauty sleep. 

The snow on the ground, although pretty, was also very worrying. With no way of hiding our tracks all we can do is hurry and hope that nobody will find them. I just wish the feeling of being watched would go away. It’s probably nothing. I definitely would have noticed if someone had been following us by now. It’s still concerning though.

I turned back to the forest behind us, freezing when I noticed a dark humanoid figure standing in the distance. The voices quieted to low whispers as I pulled out my axe and began to approach it. But as I blinked it seemed to blend into the forest surrounding it. The voices were quick to start teasing me about getting that worked up over a weird-looking tree stump.

“Techno!” A voice yelled from somewhere in the distance behind me. My gaze darted in the direction of the noise. Some of the tension in my shoulders faded when I noticed Ranboo standing a few meters away from me, and Wilbur even further back with his hand cupped around his mouth.

“Why are you yelling,” I huffed.

“You weren’t responding,” Ranboo muttered, their ears pointing firmly downward and their brows knit in a concerned expression. I took this time to put my axe away.

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