𝟬𝟰𝟭. try

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CHAPTER FORTY-ONE !tryseason five / episode fifteen

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season five / episode fifteen

Johnathan stood in the doorway of Noah's room, he had been staying with Johnathan and Beth

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Johnathan stood in the doorway of Noah's room, he had been staying with Johnathan and Beth. Johnathan stepped into the room, quietly closing the door, biting the inside of his lip as he saw the picture that laid on the dresser. It was from the welcome party, Johnathan in the middle of Noah and Beth, an arm around each of their shoulders.

Johnathan's eyes found the basket of clean clothes that sat on the foot of Noah's bed. Beth was asleep when he had gotten home the night before, and she was still asleep, so she didn't know yet. He was trying to figure out a way to tell her. And it was hard because Noah wasn't just Beth's friend, but he was Johnathan's friend too. And Johnathan couldn't even say his name without choking up.

Noah's bedroom door was pushed open. "Where's Noah?" Beth asked, looking at Johnathan as he tensed up. Johnathan turned around, Beth's face falling at the sight of the bags under his eyes, the way they were puffy and bloodshot. The bruises and scratches on his face. And she knew right then where Noah was. "What happened?"

"Aiden set off a grenade on accident, we got overrun. And N--he got me up and we ran, and then we got stuck in a revolving door. Nicholas pushed himself out, and the walkers got ahold of N-Noah. I was holding onto him, and then Addison pushed herself out, and they ripped him from me. Ripped him apart in front of me and Glenn. So I killed Addison, don't know why Glenn couldn't just kill Nicholas, then no one would get left behind on runs again." Johnathan told her, his voice was horse, and it was obvious he was tired, mentally and physically. "I--I couldn't do anything to stop it. I tried, I tried so hard."

Beth sighed, pulling Johnathan into a hug. "Go take a shower, I'll make some breakfast. And then you need to rest, okay?"

Johnathan nodded slowly, trudging towards the bathroom.

Johnathan had barely slept, his dreams plagued with nightmares of Noah's death. So he went for a walk, to try and clear his head. He watched as Rick and Pete went crashing through a window, the two fighting in the middle of the street. He watched as Jessie tried to pull Pete off only for him to hit her and cause her to fall back.

And then Rick was on top of Pete. "Dad! Get off!" Carl yelled, running forward, but Rick shoved him back. Johnathan looked at Carl to make sure he was okay before he moved forward, attempting to pull Rick off of Pete but he got elbowed in the nose.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Deanna yelled as she ran over to the scene.

That seemed to snap Rick out of whatever trance he was in as he spoke to Pete. "You touch them again and I'll kill you."

"Damn it, Rick! I said stop." Deanna yelled. People began to move toward Rick, to separate the fight.

Rick pulled a gun on them. "Or what?" He asked. "You gonna kick me out?"

"Put that gun down, Rick," Deanna told Rick softly.

Carl tilted Johnathan's nose forward as blood dripped from it. "You okay?" Carl asked softly.

"Yeah. You?" Johnathan asked, glancing over at Carl who nodded.

Rick was breathing heavily as he looked around at everyone. "You still don't get it. None of you do!" He yelled, looking around. "We know what needs to be done and we do it. We're the ones who live. You, you just sit and plan and hesitate. You pretend like you know when you don't. You wish things weren't what they are. Well, you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing things is done. Things don't get better because you--you want them to. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world. We have to control who lives here."

"That's never been more clear to me than it is right now," Deanna told him.

"Me? Me? You--" Rick laughed. "You mean--you mean me? Your way is gonna destroy this place. It's gonna get people killed. It's already gotten people killed. And I'm not gonna stand by and just let it happen. If you don't fight, you die." Johnathan watched as Michonne walked toward Rick. "I'm not gonna stand by--" Michonne hit him in the back of the head, Rick hitting the ground.


only one more chapter after this. i might try and finish my stranger things books before i publish the next book

thank you for reading and don't forget to comment

thank you for reading and don't forget to comment

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