You are called to be serve

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Matthew 23:11," But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant."

you must always concern about serving a spritual meal.

Even Jesus came to serve not to be served .

As Jesus was always concern about the will of father lord and so we must too.

Scriptures says,"  we are made in the image of god "

And if we are made in the image of god, then we must have desire to fulfill his will.

Jesus Christ came to this world to fulfill the will of father and he choose us to do same.

We must become spritually mature and this is now your time to be serve.

Bible says," he is coming soon "

And before that god have prepared a purpose for us to fulfill.

We must be ready for his calling for us.

Prophesy is serving
Preaching is serving
Leading worship is serving
Casting out demons is serving
Healing is serving
And many more things god have gifted us to glorify his name and to fulfill his purpose.

1 Peter 4:10-11," Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God."

Now, questions arise that how could your serve ?

Preach gospel....
Tell good news to people...
Use every moment to tell good news...
You can post Bible verses.....( Instagram, Facebook, chat room, Twitter )
You can serve by help other people who is need for help ....
Teach other people...
and many more things......

Remember keep praying to God and ask him for win soul , ask him help and tell him to show the way to fulfill his purpose.

Remember keep praying to God and ask him for win soul , ask him help and tell him to show the way to fulfill his purpose

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