Stop living for the world

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You think you're saved because you prayed,  and then you went back to your life as usual ???

No difference,
Same sin,
Same friends,
Same girl,
Same boy,
Same music,
Same movie,
Same habits???

Salvation does not mean ' i believe in Jesus ' and then you go ahead and live the rest of your life however you want.....

Jesus says," truly, i say to you, unless you are born again, you will not enter the kingdom of god"

That means new creation. The old you is gone and the new you is unrecognisable.

Salvation is surrounding to the only god, it's believing and confessing that Jesus Christ is lord, that he came and he died for your sins.

I am no longer gonna love this life that is leading me straight to hell.

The new creation says that ," it's time to stop living for myself, it's time to actually start sharing the gospel, it's time to actually heal the sick, to actually start to cast out demons"

If it's doesn't sound like you then surrender everything to him, because you can't bring your sins to heaven. Give him everything and watch him changes you.

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