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A few days had passed since Ryujin came over to Lisa's house. It was a Saturday and she was on the way home from lunch with Elizabeth, who did nothing for the entire time except ask her about Yeji. Ryujin entertained her questions fairly, answered them with complete honesty, and refrained from diverting the topic elsewhere. Even if she tried, Elizabeth would still find ways to talk about the cat-eyed woman again and it would only annoy Ryujin even more.

It didn't mean that it didn't bother her.

Multiple times, Ryujin attempted to get Yeji out of her system but the more she tried, the more she lingered in her mind. Ever since getting the schedule done for her, Yeji also stopped with her childish antics. There were no random surprises, untied shoelaces, and unnecessary meetings. Ryujin barely saw her at home since the architect spent most of her time now in her room. The billionaire suddenly wondered if she had it cleaned up already.

It should be a relief to Ryujin since she had less issues to worry about but she also couldn't help but notice the stark difference of the house's environment. The gigantic trees loomed over the house, which seemed to be colder than it was before. She also took note of the peace and quiet that surrounded her with the absence of a particular voice after a specific pattern of knocking on her door.

It was what she wanted, wasn't it?

Ryujin slid her blazer off as soon as she got home, heading straight to the kitchen. She suddenly felt parched. She tried to ignore the way her heart sank at the sight of the cartons of flavored milk lining up the fridge. Why did she feel guilty when she was doing herself a favor getting rid of any attachments she had with Yeji? It wasn't making any sense.

For the rest of the afternoon, Ryujin did what she did best—work until she couldn't. It was the most efficient way to cope since she was already being productive while she was trying to distract herself from her unwanted thoughts about a particular set of feline eyes.

Not for long though.

It was already past midnight when her phone rang from the nightstand beside her bed. Since she planned to overwork herself, she left her desk around one in the morning. When she saw that it was only five minutes past three o' clock, she felt her blood boil upon seeing Yeji's name on her screen. What the fuck did she want at such ungodly hour?

"What?" Ryujin harshly said as she answered the call, only having one eye open.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I just really . . . I can't really—fuck."

Yeji's voice was hoarse from the other end of the line and she talked as if she was dragging her words. She was drunk.

"Can you pick me up?"


"I didn't have Peter's number. Chaeryeong's really busy right now and Jaehyun . . . Anyway, can you pick me up here at—excuse me, what's the name of this club again? . . . Sirens? . . . Thank you . . . Can you pick me up at Sirens?"

Ryujin wanted to be angry but she also knew that Yeji only called her because she was in desperate need. Since their last encounter, it was clear that the cat-eyed woman understood their boundaries despite her confusion. Moreover, Ryujin was sure she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep if she knew that Yeji was wasted as some club on her own. She had to be alone, right? If she wasn't, she wouldn't have to call Ryujin to pick her up.

The Volante's roar split the silence of the night as Ryujin sped across the Lions Gate Bridge. Of all the places that Yeji had to choose to go to for a drink, she had to be in the heart of Downtown Vancouver.

The cat-eyed woman leaned against the wall of the club just a few feet away from the entrance. Ryujin easily spotted her since there weren't many people around. She tensed up when she thought of the possibilities if she didn't come any sooner. Yeji had her head down and she didn't see the billionaire rushing towards her with a rigid scowl on her face.

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