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"She's not waking up," Minju said.

Fire rose to Ryujin's chest like she was breathing gas and her throat began to tighten. "What do you mean she's not waking up?"

"I don't know how much she drank. We were dancing a lot too and then she suddenly disappeared into the restrooms. I found her in the cubicle, sleeping."

"Where is she now?"

"I had to drag her out back to our booth, but it's just the two of us and I can't keep her up to get us home. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm feeling really tipsy too."

Ryujin's first instinct was to race back to Vancouver and pick up the two women herself but it was almost midnight, she was running on an hour of sleep and a can of energy to keep her eyelids from completely closing, and she had an important meeting with Yoshiko early in the morning tomorrow. Arranging a proper meeting with her alone was months in the making. Waiting for such a long time only to end up as a disappointment to Yoshiko wasn't what she planned.

But Yeji always came first. Always.

She could ask for someone else to take her place and come pick them up but her heart was soaring with concern for her girlfriend. She wanted to see her in person, to be the one to take her home. That way, her mind would be at rest, knowing that Yeji was in good hands. And even if she had someone take the cat-eyed woman back to their house, she would be on her own since Chaeryeong was still in Los Angeles. No one would be there to look after her. Besides, distance was never their dynamic's best friend anyway.

"Keep her upright in case she starts throwing up," she finally said, her eyes frantically searching the room for the keys to her car. "Stay where you are. I'll be there."

After leaving a message to Lia to tell her about what happened and to find a way to stall if she was to come back late for the meeting tomorrow, she was out of Harrison Hot Springs.

Ryujin had a lot of questions.

She bought the club for Yeji in hopes of providing a comfortable environment for her to have fun in but having her completely pass out wasn't something that she saw coming. As far as she knew, the cat-eyed woman wasn't going through a rough patch at the moment to give her the initiative to drink past her limits. She was also aware of her decent alcohol tolerance and if she was found unconscious in a restroom, then she probably had more than a lot. Yeji should have a pretty good reason why she did it too.

Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the steering wheel, swallowing hard as she found it difficult to keep her irritation from turning into rage. She knew that her lack of rest also affected her mood but the aggravation that she felt was mostly because of the wrong timing of Yeji's poor choices. It wouldn't have been a big deal if she was only in Vancouver too, and if she didn't have a significant presentation to deliver the next morning.

Just as she was approaching an intersection, a motorcycle came out of nowhere, causing her to slam her hand forcefully against the horn as she quickly swerved to avoid an accident. She was going way too fast to press her foot on the brake and fortunately, the road was mostly empty considering her chosen hour of travel. It took her a couple of glances on her rearview mirror to ensure that she didn't hurt anyone before she was finally able to release the breath that she was holding. She needed another can of energy drink despite her already racing heart.

She began weighing her options instead. She could make a quick stop in a convenience store and get what she needed but that would mean that Yeji and Minju had to be alone for a longer time. If she didn't get an energy drink to keep her body from completely shutting down while driving . . . well, she already knew what she should anticipate. Deciding that staying alive should be her top priority at the moment, she peeled her eyes open for any stores along the way.

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