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There were days when Ryujin's subconscious had more awareness than she would allow. Ever since her system became accustomed to constantly having her girlfriend beside her at night, she acquired a particular hypersensitivity that alarmed her every time she couldn't feel Yeji in her arms or anywhere close.

Stirring awake, Ryujin struggled to combat the weight of torpor in her eyes upon realizing that the space beside her was completely empty. It took her a couple of moaning and groaning as she stretched her arms out, ensuring that she was in fact alone on the bed. She finally managed to keep her right eye open and let out a yawn, frowning to herself when the sky outside was still a deep shade of space blue. Mrs. Sun wasn't even up yet.

Turning towards the desk, her eyes landed on her girlfriend's back as she had a laptop in front of her, occupied with it that she didn't notice her waking up. Quietly swinging her legs on the side of the bed, Ryujin made her way to her.

"Hey," she said as gently as she could, preventing herself from surprising the cat-eyed woman. "What are you still doing up?"

When she got close enough, she bent down and rested her chin on the architect's shoulder as she peeked on her screen, taking note of the applications open before kissing the side of her neck innocently.

"Oh," Yeji said, letting out a soft gasp. "Hey, baby. Did I wake you up? I tried to keep the brightness down as much as I could."

"No. What are you doing?" she asked, closing her eyes and burying her face on the crook of her neck, eliciting a tiny giggle from the taller woman.

"Yuna needed something urgent."

"Is everything okay?"

Yeji shuddered a bit, and Ryujin assumed it was because of her breath hitting the vulnerable spot of her skin. It made her smile, and she pressed her lips against her neck once again.

"Yeah, yeah," Yeji said, inhaling sharply before pulling her head back to look at her as she reached up to cup her jaw. "You should go back to sleep. I'll be with you shortly."

Ryujin had her eyes open by the narrowest of margins but her insides felt warm at the feeling of having Yeji's feline eyes on her. Along with the sensitivity that she developed upon missing her girlfriend's warmth beside her, there was something predominant that made moments at midnight somewhat mystical, like a haze that sent her in an intense pacific state that everything around her began to feel like they were nothing but fragments of her dream. What was tricky about the trance she fell into was that she had no idea where the lines of reality stopped as she couldn't tell when she stepped in the world of alluring reverie. The hypnotizing enigma in Yeji's catlike eyes wasn't helping either.

Winning wasn't always the best and upon coming into a realization that she was defenseless in her current state under the mercy of Yeji's arresting charm, she willingly allowed herself to lose and became a prisoner of her illusion.

"Is it work?" she managed to ask.

"Yes, baby."

"I should fire Yuna."

Yeji chuckled and leaned in to kiss the tip of her nose. "You can't do that."

"I can't?"

"You can't. She's the owner of the company, Ryuddaeng. If you fire her, there's also a fat chance that I'll be losing my job."

"Oh . . . I meant to set her in flames."

A mellifluous laugh escaped Yeji's lips, and when she leaned in, Ryujin caught a whiff of her intoxicating scent that dragged her deeper in her fantasy.

"Wow," Yeji said in amusement, still chuckling. "My little demon's thirsty for vengeance even if she's barely awake, huh?"

"She's keeping my wife up," Ryujin said, bowing her head down to yawn again before having a hand force her to lift her face up.

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