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Her entire life, Ryujin was accustomed to following routines as she found out that it usually generated a uniformly notable outcome too. It was ideally appropriate in business and proven to be significantly efficient in producing outstanding results for Bifrost.

It felt completely different in a relationship though.

Eventually, Ryujin and Yeji fell into a routine, wherein the billionaire would spend most of her time in the architect's house. Aside from waking up earlier than usual every single day to cook and bring breakfast to Yeji along with her handwritten letters, she also found a way to leave Bifrost as soon as her hands were empty of obligations before heading back to her now second home. She would often stay with Yeji until eleven, and sometimes even later. She didn't notice it yet but the Marshall residence seemed more like her actual house for the time being.

Yeji clearly wasn't complaining as she loved having her around just as much as she did. Her sister, on the other hand, would often throw playful complaints, constantly whining about getting sick with seeing Ryujin's face more frequently than necessary as if they didn't spend their childhood side by side. Chaeryeong even joked about how she should start to help in paying the bills as well, and Ryujin being herself, took it seriously. If Yeji didn't clarify to her that Chaeryeong was only messing with her, she would've paid in advance for the rest of the year already.

Although both were gratifying, falling into a cordial routine with her girlfriend was far more relaxing and comforting than following a distinct pattern regarding business, which only made her want to spend more time cooking and writing for Yeji instead of being surrounded by entrepreneurs and endless data.

After her work on Friday afternoon, it didn't feel like simply leaving the Bifrost building anymore but more like jumping headfirst into her bed after a tiring day as she was headed towards Yeji's house. Making food for her became her rest, talking to her was her relief as her voice was her solace, and wrapping her arms around her first thing as soon as she got there felt more like a well-deserved reward as it also became her favorite part of the day.

Not all routines were as exhausting as people perceived them to be. In fact, Ryujin would gladly repeat all the things that she did with Yeji in every lifetime and in every universe there was if she had control over the totality of her own life.

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"You're not getting away from your promise, you know?" Yeji said as she sat beside her on the passenger seat of the Volante.

They were on the way to Elizabeth's photoshoot. Ryujin had one hand on the steering wheel as she had the other being toyed with the cat-eyed woman on her lap. Since they had the convertible down, they were both wearing sunglasses. Yeji obviously loved their look as she took countless photos when she started driving.

"I can't remember choosing to disregard a promise I made to you," she said over Troye Sivan's Youth playing from the architect's phone.

"I am offended," Yeji said, feigning a horrified gasp.

Ryujin turned to look at her to find herself laughing at how comical the cat-eyed woman was acting. With her leather jacket hugging her frame over a plain white shirt and the sunglasses, Yeji appeared comical as her badass outfit contrasted her actions entirely. Nevertheless, Ryujin couldn't help her heart picking up its pace at the mere sight of her girlfriend. Chiseled jawline, defined cheekbones, pointed nose, rosy lips—they all ignited a whirling sensation inside Ryujin's stomach the way the wheels of her car did.

Yeji's side profile was one of the things that Ryujin would die for.

And when the lights start flashing like a photo booth
And the stars exploding, we'll be fireproof

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