Admissions and Revelations

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"You're gonna have to hit harder than that, Gwyn!", Cassian laughs, stepping back and crossing his muscular arms. "You seem distracted", he taunts.

Her face flushes and she grimaces. "I am focused. I promise. I am."

"Could it be because a certain shadowsinger is training with us today?"

"What's your excuse then? A certain fae of death?"

Cassian smirks. "Touché. Her butt does look quite nice in her improved leathers though."

Nesta tosses him a glare that says she means business but is equally flattered.

"But then again, so does Az's."

Gwyn gapes and her face turns red as a tomato as Cassian barks out a laugh. Nesta can't help but smirk, holding in a laugh.

Emerie seems distracted as well. She has for over a week now. She has been fairly quiet. "And what's your problem, Em? I'm sick of skirting around it. All of you need to get your asses in gear."

Emerie sighs and chews her lip, dropping her stance defeatedly. "I...may have news."

Nesta and Az walk over to the other three, concerned.

"What? What news, is it bad?", Nesta questions.

"No, it's not bad per se..."

Gwyn hugs her side. "You know that you can tell us anything, Em."

"I met Balthazar", she says, looking at Nesta.

Nesta's brow furrows for a moment before her eye widen. "The Illyrian male who helped me save you during the Rite; the male from the cave?"

"Yes, that's the one."

"Wow, how was he?"

"He—", Emerie blows out a breath. "He was very sweet. You're right, he was kind and gentle. And uhh, he asked me out."

"What!?", Gwyn squeals.

Nesta chuckles. "Oh my gods, really?"

Cassian smirks and squeezes her shoulder. "That's our girl."

Azriel smiles and nods, waiting for her to continue as his shadows whirl around himself and Gwyn.

"Yeah, really. Well, we had made plans for a few days ago but then the shop was very busy so he said we could reschedule. And I haven't heard, but I'm sure he's training and also busy. I don't really know what the offer really was, he just um...", she trails off. "He offered to fly me around Velaris."

"I could've done that", Cassian pouts.

Emerie smiles and chuckles. "Thanks Cassian, but I never would have asked that of you, and as you know it's...more intimate when it isn't out of necessity. I'd never offend Nesta that way."

Nesta squeezes her hand. "You wouldn't offend me, but I think I understand what you mean. He offered to fly you around and that sounds amazing. Was it like a date?"

"That's where I'm unsure. I don't know whether it's just out of pity, if he's just curious about us as Valkyries, or if he actually took a liking to me."

"It's hard for anyone not to like you, Emerie."

She looks at her hands. One clasped with Gwyn's and the other with Nesta's, their bracelet charms magnetized together. "Thank you. I suppose it's just odd because of everything I've been through. I've never really got the chance to try anything more than friendship with anyone for a very long time now. And of course, right now it's a blooming friendship and I don't expect it to be more at the moment but what if he falls for me? Or worse, I fall for him? Then what?"

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