Physical and Mental Manifest

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The sunshine glares brightly in the Spring Court. Lucien has been there for the last two days helping as much as he can with preparations for the grand reopening festival, and unfortunately, though spirits have been high and everyone seems more than gleeful, the High Lord has sunk into a bad spot once again. He stopped being the softer version of himself almost immediately after their last chat, resorting to his usual gruffness and grumpiness.

So while the villages and many of the members of Spring are delighted, the air seems to have been sucked out of the Manor once more. Briar wonders if she has done anything wrong since he has hardly even glanced in her direction. He hasn't shown up during meals either, which can't be healthy. She knows he has been under a ton of pressure and the paperwork is piling up on his desk, but she hopes he can stop and smell the roses, so to speak, sometime soon.

She has been here for four days, and so far, he has been nothing but hospitable. Confusing and a bit neurotic, but everyone has treated her well at least. Maybe the conversation they had a couple of days ago was too much for him—some people hate being vulnerable and they can overthink about if they overshared. She prays that he doesn't feel like she would use it against him, but knowing what she does about his history, she wouldn't be shocked if that's what is freaking him out at the moment on top of all the work he has to get done.

He has been away all day, most likely sulking in his beast form, which she has yet to actually see.

That night after dinner, which Tamlin did not attend again, she makes her way up to her bedroom and changes into her nightgown, sighing. As she exits her room once again, she sees a light coming from his study and grins. Finally. Maybe she will bring him some tea to relax him.




Timid steps enter the study of the Spring Court Manor. Tamlin's isolation could only mean one thing—something that Lucien has tried hard to chase away from his friend, but it's stubborn. A sign of emotional downfall for the male of eternal blooms.

Cold green eyes immediately flick upwards and pierce into hers as Briar takes small strides towards the large desk and the bulky male that sits hunched over piles of paperwork. Once close, she freezes slightly, captivated by the raw power emanating in waves from his muscled form.

His lip curls in slight annoyance and his deep voice grumbles. "What is it now? Is it not enough that I give you a tour of my Court and home to vacation for the next however many days until you decide your business is finished here?"

Briar swallows but puffs out her chest and strolls forward again until she reaches him at his desk, gently setting down a large mug of aromatic tea in front of him. "I have noticed that you have been stressed lately. I can't imagine all the work that must go into rebuilding and the effects of everything that happened. I-I know that things take a toll, and I know that a small gesture won't change any of that but I—"

"You're rambling."

She nods curtly. "I made you some tea. It's an herbal blend with notes of lavender. It should help calm your muscles and tamp down your headache."

He looks at her incredulously and raises an eyebrow. "How would you know if I had a headache?" He means to ask gruffly but it comes off as intrigued. Ah, a small peek at the male who shared some insecurities with her days ago.

Feeling a newfound boldness, she leans over the desk a bit, so they're nearly nose to nose. "Your forehead gets scrunched up and you keep pinching the bridge of your nose. Also, you huff and grumble a hell of a lot more, which I could hear about every ten minutes from my room down the hall.

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