Mine to Adore

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Azriel paces back in forth in the hallway, his rough hands nervously wringing one another as he gets more and more anxious by the second. Eris. It had to be Eris. Why the fuck did his sweet Gwyn's father have to be Eris!?

Just as he is about to storm back into the living area, he sees a familiar head of copper hair turn the corner and an encouraging smile grace his mate's lips. Azriel rushes over to her and scoops her into his arms, burying his nose in her neck lovingly. "I was worried."

"You don't have to worry, Az. I know you two have never gotten along, and it has to do with Mor and that history, but now you know he never did anything nefarious. He wouldn't hurt me. It was actually a nice conversation. He's my father, and not liking the outcome won't change it. Please will you try to at least be neutral? For me?"

Az breathes her in deeply and nods, pressing a kiss against the side of her neck. "I'll try my best. For you, mate."

Gwyn grins and cups his face in her hands, kissing his lips lovingly. "I love you, shadowsinger. And he won't sway me against that either. You're my mate, my perfect equal. Always."

"I love you too, priestess", he winks.

They make their goodbyes to the Inner Circle and winnow back to the House of Wind library balcony; the one nearest her bedroom. Az strokes his fingers over the top of her smooth hand. His heart always aches when he drops her off at the library, wishing the construction of their home was already complete so he wouldn't have to spend another night away from her.

Gwyn notes his solemn expression and strokes her thumb over his cheek. "I had a most lovely evening, Az. You're a good dancer. I'm quite clumsy in dancing...I think I make a better warrior than dancer, despite my flowing dress which makes me feel like a princess."

"You're a princess to me", he murmurs, pulling her close into his arms. "Actually, more of a Queen in my eyes."

Gwyn giggles softly and strokes the lapel of his suit. "You clean up very nicely, you know", she teases.

"I don't mind a good suit when it's necessary. Though I do prefer casual clothing."

"Well, you look very regal and handsome tonight."

'Just tonight?", he smirks.

She chuckles. "Every night, but especially all dolled up. I don't know, your eyes have been shining a bit brighter today. I'd almost say you love a good celebration if I didn't know you were so introverted."

"Maybe I just enjoy a good celebration when I have a gorgeous female on my arm. A gorgeous female who happens to be my Cauldron-blessed mate."

Pushing up on her tip-toes, Gwyn kisses him soundly. Azriel leans down to make her more comfortable, tenderly holding her against him as they claim each other's mouths with fervor. They pull away after a moment and Gwyn hugs him tightly.

"Hey, Az?"

"Yes, Gwyn?"

"What would you say if I wanted to try spending the night with you?", she whispers.

His molten hazel eyes widen as he pulls away a few inches to look into her teal ones. "What?"

"I-I want to spend the night with you. Coming back to my room here in the library every night...it...it doesn't quite feel like home anymore because I end up missing you. Because you aren't here. Not only does the bond yearn for you close to me, but I do too. It's become less of a home without you being close. So I was wondering if I could try spending the night in your arms", she asks, blushing profusely.

Azriel stares into her eyes lovingly, in awe of this female and her gentleness. "Gwyn, you know the moment you are ready, I am ready. That goes for anything. There is nothing more I'd want than to hold you in my arms all night. I truly mean that. I've spent...gods, my whole existence just wishing and praying that one day I'd have someone to hold who I could love and who would love me back and—and you are the biggest gift to me."

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