Good News All Around

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Carrying the small box in his hand, he walks out of the Velaris trinket shop. He tucks it into his shirt pocket and takes off, flying over Prythian and taking in the view of the courts. It's the best part of his travels to Rose Hall. He debated on telling Gwyn his plans for today, but she made it clear that Merrill was being particularly bitchy this week and she would rather him stay away to avoid the headache while she was working.

At the thought of Gwyn, his heart flutters and he can't help but blush. He shakes his head, realizing what a typical mate-like response that is, but smiles to himself nonetheless. If there was one thing about Gwyn, it was her ability to completely change his outlook on his life, even when she's not with him. He very rarely smiles before her and now, he's smiling while he's alone, just thinking of her. Cassian would poke fun if he ever knew, though he supposes Cassian most likely feels the same way about Nesta.

Flying above his small cottage near the border Of Spring and Autumn, he descends and lands softly on his feet. Even though Tamlin despised Rhys and the Inner Circle, he had yet to ever complain about Azriel visiting to simply see his mother. After he had grown up a bit, she had spoken with him about fleeing the Night Court because of all that had happened to her and to him. She knew he would remain, not only because he was loyal to his 'brother', but because he was an asset to the Court.

He knew she was hurting there. He had seen the pain and the hopelessness etched onto her face every time he has seen her in Illyria, and even after he had relocated her to Velaris. The city, however beautiful, unsettled her with its bustling crowds and nightlife, making her anxiety worse. Azriel can't help but take a deep breath, realizing just how much he has in common with his mother, even down to their mental destruction at the hands of his 'father'. Despite his small protests due to the tension with Spring, she had chosen it as her home. Not only for its brightness and warmth, but for the quiet, the soft breezes, and the beauty of its rolling hills of wildflowers and inviting hot springs. It was a calm, cozy cottage on the outskirts of the Court.

For fifty years when Amarantha was after everyone, especially Tamlin and his Court, his anxiety was through the roof. Since Rhys had trapped them in Velaris, he was not able to leave to check on her, and it was like he was back in that cage, his father dictating that he couldn't see her all over again. Not only was he terrified for his brother, but the uncertainty around his mother, the only one who he could truly lean on to know him and comfort him, was nearly unbearable. It made him feel like that lost and broken child again.

He approaches the cottage, its cream-colored stucco a nice contrast to the heavy ropes of ivy crawling up the building. He knocks softly and waits for his mother's familiar voice to ring out on the other side.

"Who is it!?"

Azriel can't help but smile and roll his eyes. "Ma, who else would it be?"

The door swings open and she grins brightly, her sapphire blue top and dark hair a stark comparison to Azriel and his siphon.

"My baby!", she squeals happily and throws her arms around him. A familiar greeting, but one that still makes him blush hundreds of years later.

"Gods, Ma."

"Oh, hush. You'll always be my baby no matter how old you get. Now come in, come in!", she ushers him in the door. "Be careful of your beautiful wings."

"You too", he replies, as he tucks them close and ducks through the small door, suppressing a smile and rubbing his temples.

"Oh, I'm quite used to this little house now. Oh, Azzy, are you getting headaches again?", she asks, immediately concerned.

"They're not too bad now, Ma. I'm okay."

"Well, let me get you some tea anyway." She pulls out another chair which is suitable for Illyrian wings and smiles fondly at him.

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