Shay's death

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Stella and Kelly had gone back to work. Hannah was staying with them by was at Stella's other sister Amber's place sometimes. Hannah was so scared of calling Stella mommy again. Even though they we're sisters they call each other mommy and daughter.

Stella's POV~
Hannah was coming to the firehouse after school and I was so excited to see her. Kelly was making dinner for everyone as I helped him cut the onions. My eyes started to water as he laugh at me. "Awww you crying." I hit him as he kiss me. Hannah walk in as I was my hands. We hugged tightly and said, "sissy!" I lift her up in my arms as everyone went in awww.

"Are you still my mommy?" Hannah ask as I shrug. "You want me to be your mommy still? I mean if you want me to be." I told her as she nodded. Kelly came as him and Hannah hug. "D-daddy.." She mumbled as he took her from me. "Awww." He kissed her head as soon after Ella walk in and her and Hannah made eye contact. Kelly recorded as Ella and Hannah ran to each other. Hannah pick her up as they screamed.

"Aunty sissy!" Ella told Hannah as Hannah kissed her head. "Hi niece sissy." Hannah replied as Ella lap her legs around Hannah's back. They hug tightly as they jump up and down.  "I miss you sissy." Hannah told her as my heart melted. "I miss you aunty sissy." Ella replied as they ran to Kelly's office. They we're colouring as I look at Kelly who was watching the video. I stood next to him as he kissed my head. "This is so cute ima send this to you and post it." Kelly told me as I nodded. He posted it on his Instagram and I did too caption 'Aunty and niece reunion.' @Kellyseveride_

I continue to cook with Kelly as Shay up to me and hug me. I look at her as Kelly look at me and laugh. Shay then look at me and thank me for yesterday. "It's okay." I told her as she rolled her eyes at Kelly. "You hug her at not me? Wow." Kelly told Shay as he turned to me. "And you don't hug me anymore either." He said to me as my eyes widen. "W-what?" I mumbled as Casey walked in with Gabby. "What's going on?" Casey ask as Kelly told him everything. "Yes! Gabby never hug me either." He complained as I rolled my eyes turning the other way.

"I'm out of here, girls lets go." Shay said as she took us on the app floor. We sat in the chairs as we talk about marriage. "I don't know but Casey and I were dating for almost five years." Gabby told us as my eyes widen. "Damn." Shay and I mumbled. "How long for you and Severide?" Shay ask me. "Umm three years I think." I told them as Kelly tap me. "Can we talk?" He ask as I got up. We headed by his BMW as he look at me. "What's wrong?" I ask as he kissed me. I kissed him back as he push me against the car.

"I thought you wanted to talk." I ask as he shrug. "I just wanted to kiss you because I thought you hated me." Kelly replied with a sad face. "No I don't hate you lol." I replied as we hug for a good five minutes. I started walking back to the girls as Kelly's arms we're still around mines. "Kelly stop!" I laugh. "So what do y'all use when you guys are on your monthly thing?" I ask them as they started throwing some answers in. "Okay okay that's it I don't wanna hear anymore." He walked away as we got back to what we we're talking about.

"So I know this sounds crazy but someone is trying to hurt me.." Shay told us as we look at her shock. "Oh my god who!?" Gabby and I ask as she told us everything. "I told your brother, Dawson and I need to move to New Orleans." She told us as my eyes widen. "For how long?" Gabby ask. "I don't know about four years?" She mumbled as I screamed. "NO NO NO! NO NO NO!" I screamed as they covered my mouth. "No one must know only you two but if Kelly does shit you them him okay? I'll change my number and we'll keep in touch okay?" She told us as we nodded.

"Shay.. I'm gonna miss you.." I told her as we all hug. "Awww my girls.. I'm gonna miss you guys too, I love you so much!" She said kissing our head. "We love you too!" Gabby replied. She told us that she has to fake her death next call. "Oh boy.. You know how bad Kelly's gonna get on.." I told her as she nodded. "Tell him in a week." Shay said as I nodded. We got our next call and headed to the scene. Shay, Gabby and I got ourselves ready but I was still kinda sad she had to go. 

Kelly walked over to Shay and grab her hand. "I'm sorry.." He told her as she turned to him. "You know I love you right?" She told him as he nodded. "I know.. I love you too!" Kelly replied as they shake hands. "We'll figure this out?" She ask. "Yeah always." He told her as she smiled. We all hug then I headed inside with Kelly. He pop a kiss on my lips as I smiled. We headed our separate ways. "Gotta victim on the first floor, possible spinal injuries." Casey said I heard Gabby said on it through the radio.

Soon after the an explosion let out from upstairs. Then suddenly everything turned black. I heard Chief screaming "Severide report! Casey report! Truck 81, Squad 3 report!" He screamed as I groan. I suddenly remembered Gabby and Shay. I got up and tried to help everyone up. I headed downstairs and Gabby was doing CPR on Shay. "What happened? Is she dead!?" I ask as Shay opened her eyes. "I guess this is it, here in my new number." She told us giving me a piece of paper. I took my mask of and kissed her head.

"Ima make sure all my babies will definitely have you as their god mother, you and Gabby we will miss you so much." I told her as she pulled us into a hug. We heard foot steps as Gabby continued to do CPR. I had to fake mouth to mouth as she smiled and I felt her pinch me on my butt. I let out a slight giggle as Kelly walk over to us. "She doesn't have a pulse.. She isn't breathing.." I told Kelly with tears in my eyes. I took over compressions and Gabby did mouth to mouth. All Kelly could do was stare at me. I stare back at him as he headed upstairs to get the rest. "Shay.. Stella.." Gabby said.

"What?" Shay giggled. "Casey is gonna ask me to marry him soon.. He got a call from a jewelry store and the guy said the ring was ready." She told us as I screamed in excitement. The guys came back as me and Gabby fake cried. When they we're going to pulled us back I winch. They took Shay's body out and Kelly pulled me into a tight hug. "How could she just go like that!?" I screamed as Kelly kissed my head. "Guys we gotta go." Casey told us as Kelly stood and help me up.

"It's gonna be okay we have to support the girls don't let them know she's gone.. Not just yet.." He told me as I nodded. We headed downstairs as they transported Shay's body to med.
A/N: Shay isn't dead okay? She's just leaving for a while but she'll be back.a

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