- Chapter 13: (Five Steps)

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- 3RD POV:

On the other side of the Palace, in the Grand Queen Dowager's Quarters, the Grand Queen Dowager is practicing her archery.

Soon, the King angrily walks up to her.

"A Bodyguard? Did you assign a Bodyguard to the Crown Prince and Princess Haeun, wothout consulting me, Mother?", The King asks her.

"I thought we'd already discussed this before... Given the incident during the Royal hunting, I am too concerned to just sit around and do nothing... Fortunately, the Misitry of War was able to recommend a trustworthy Guard. I'm counting on your aid.", She says as she draw her bow back, aiming an arrow at the bullseye.

"Regarding the Crown Prince and Princess Haeun, I can take care of those matters myself.", The King says, making the Grand Queen Dowager miss her target when she let's go of the arrow. She then sighs and looks at the King.

"Then you should have done so a long time ago. How can you be so indifferent toward the Crown Prince? There's nothing I can do about your marriage with the Queen. But the Crown Prince of Joseon is not Prince Jehyeon. You must consider the Crown Prince's reputation.", She replies as she shoot another arrow at the target, this time, getting a bullseye.

- Haeun's POV:

'I still can't believe that he is my Bodyguard...', I think as I stare at Ga-On in front of me in shock and amazement.

"Your Highness, are you okay?", Ga-On asks me as I quickly nod my head in response.

"Ga-On! Let's talk...", I hear Bok-dong say as he walks up next to Ga-On.

"Follow me.", Bok-dong says as he starts to walk away.

Ga-On then follows him as I quickly follow them.

'Why does Bok-dong want him to follow him?', I think as Bok-Dong suddenly stops walking, making Ga-On run into him, and then me run into Bok-dong.

"Bok-dong! Why did you do that?!", I yell out as Bok-dong looks at me in fear.

"Y-Your Highness! Please forgive me! Please don't let me get flogged!", Bok-dong pleads as I look at him in confusion.

"Bok-dong... Why would I do that?! You didn't do anything wrong!", I say as I laugh.

"Wait... Did someone do that to you for no reason?! Tell me, who did that. I will make sure they don't do it again!", I tell him as he quickly shakes his head.

"No, no! No one has done that to me.", He replies.

"Then why did you think I would?", I ask him confusingly.

"Because you are the Princess. If anything bad happens to you, it would crush so many hearts...", Bok-dong says.

"But if you got hurt for no reason, me, Hwi, and Court Lady Kim would be sad!", I tell him.

"How can you be so nice?", Bok-dong says as he pouts.

"Quit that, Bok-dong!", I tell him as he quickly stops pouting and then makes a stern face as he looks towards Ga-On.

'Is that supposed to intimidate Ga-On? I think Ga-On is more intimidating in this situation... He kept a straight face this whole time.', I think as I look at the two of them.

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