- Chapter 25: (The Lake)

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- Haeun's POV:

The next day, I decided that I wanted to find out more on why I have to marry this Chief Eunuch out of nowhere.

'My main suspect is the Queen...', I think as I stare at the Queen as she walks past me, but then turns around to look at me.

"Oh, Haeun... How are you and your husband-to-be doing? He seems very fond of you!", She asks me in a fake tone.

"Oh, I am doing just fine, but I'm not so sure about him... And of course he is fond of me, who wouldn't be? And for starters, I am a very capable wife that is capable of choosing her own husband instead of you pushing this marriage on my Father and I.", I reply with a smile.

'You wanna play the fake game, I'll make you reveal your true colors...', I think as I secretly glare at her.

"You are benefitting your Father. This marriage will help bring peace and loosen the tension that is in place.", She replies.

"Oh, of course! But what if it's a mistake? They could be deceiving us, right?", I ask her.

"Why would you ever think we would put you in danger?", She asks me, obviously acting like she cares.

"I don't know, maybe because I get in your way and you want your son to be the King?", I replie as she looks at me shocked.

"That is not true! Is the reason you are acting like this because there someone else you want to marry? Is that why you always wear this on you?!", She asks me angrily as she yanks the Tally off of me.

"Hey, give that back! That's not yours!", I yell as she dangles it in the air.

"Haeun. This is that precious to you? Go fetch it then and never accuse me of that again! You little brat!!!!", She replies as she throws it into a nearby lake.

"No!!! How could you do that?", I ask her as she smirks at me.

"Listen. The person you attached to that Tally is gone and will not come back. Don't attach yourself to someone else when you are about to be married. Forget about it and never come back and get in the way of things, you understand?", She tells me as she walks away while smirking as I run towards the nearby lake.

'Out of all places, she chooses a lake?', I think as I look down at the lake to try and see where it landed in it.

I then pull out the letter that Master gave me, and take the braclet that Hyun gave me off and set them away from the lake so they do not get wet.

"I can't see anything...", I mutter as I quickly jump in the lake and start rummaging through the water.

"Your Highness? Why are you inside the lake? It's dangerous, come out of there.", I hear someone say as I turn around to see Ga-On holding out his hand to me.

"No. I am trying to find something!", I reply as I push his hand away.

"What are you trying to find?", He asks me.

"The Tally! The Queen threw it in here and I can't find it...", I complain to him on the verge of tears.

"The Queen? Why would she do that?", Ga-On asks me, confused.

Fate Of The Tally [Kim Ga-On - "The King's Affection" FF]Where stories live. Discover now