- Chapter 38: (Drunk Ji-Un)

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- 3RD POV:

Haeun, Dam-i, Hyun, and Ji-Un were all sitting down at a table while Ga-On stood at the corner of the table, in between Haeun and Dam-i.

"I am indebted to the both of you.", Dam-i says as she looks at Hyun and Ji-Un with a smile. She then looks to her right, and looks up at Ga-On.

"You, too. You were very helpful... Here, take it. Have a drink with us tonight.", Dam-i says as she holds up a glass of alcohol to Ga-On.

Ga-On nods in return and starts to sit down, playing his sword down.

"Get comfortable.", Ji-Un says to Ga-On.

"All right. Everyone. If you have a drink, let's cheers! What do you say, Your Highness? Ready?", Ji-Un says as Dam-i chuckles.

"Cheers!", Everyone says as they all start to take a sip of their drink.

But just as Haeun was about to take a sip of hers, Ga-On quickly grabs it out of her hand and drinks it.

"Hey! That was mine!", Haeun yells as Dam-i glares at her.

"Haeun, you can't drink that! Thank you Ga-On...", Dam-i says with a chuckle as Ga-On nods his head.

"How come Ga-On can? Isn't he the same age as me???", Haeun asks as Dam-i looks at Ga-On and then at Haeun.

"No way you two are the same age. Look how Ga-On is sitting and drinking his drink versus you! He seems way more mature.", Dam-i says as Haeun glares at Ga-On who only smirks in response to her glare.

Just then, Ji-Un starts to clutch his stomach in pain as Hyun starts to smile.

"Simce when did you become so loyal to His Royal Highness? I mean, you if all people.", Hyun asks Ji-Un.

"Well... If you know me, then you know I'm nothing without my loyalty. Right, Your Highness?", Ji-Un replies with a smile as he looks at Dam-i.

"Uh... Yes, I mean... I guess so.", Dam-i says shyly as Ji-Un laughs, making Hyun and Haeun laugh too.

"Your Highness, are you... Are you serious? That really hurts my feelings, you know-", Ji-Un says as he gets up to go to Dam-i, but is cut of and stopped by Ga-On standing up and blocking him with a glare.

"I get it. Calm down. I just wanna tell him something real-", Ji-Un says while patting Ga-On on his shoulder, only to get cut off and blocked when he tries to pass Ga-On again, making everyone chuckle.

"Come in. I really need to talk to His Highness!", Ji-Un says as he tries to get past Ga-On, only to be pushed to the ground, making Dam-i laugh so hard.

Ga-On then sits back down as Ji-Un looks at Dam-i.

"Your Highness. Why are you laughing? Your Highness. I cannot let this slide.", Ji-Un says as he stands up, only to find Ga-On standing up as well.

"You are hurting my feelings right now.", Ji-Uns says as he runs to the other side of the table, only for Ga-On to pass in front of Dam-i and block him again, making Hyun laugh even more too.

"Why don't you just sit down?", Dam-i asks playfully.

"Yeah, you're never gonna get past Ga-On! He's too fast!!!", Haeun adds with a chuckle.

"Come on. Lord Jaeun. Help me out... Did you mean that, Your Highness, or...", Ji-Un says as he pleads to Hyun who shakes his head as Ji-Un runs to the other side of the table, getting blocked by Ga-On again.

"I told you!", Haeun says loudly as Ji-Un glares at her, making her shrug her shoulders and laugh more.

Ji-Un then gives up and sits back down.

"Alright, I'm done... Let me drink my sorrow away!", Ji-Un says as everyone else laughs at him.

Soon, the Court Maid Ladies come and pick uo all the dishes that the group used, making Dam-i stand up.

"All right.", Dam-i says with a sigh as Hyun, Haeun, and Ga-On stand up too, leaving Ji-Un still sitting at the table.

"Why... Your Highness, why don't we... have just one more...", A drunk Ji-Un says as he holds up a one with his pointer finger and starts to lean towards Dam-i, only for Ga-On to grab his wrist to stop him.

"Hust one more. Come on!", Ji-Un adds as he shakes Ga-On's grip off of his wrist.

"I'm asking if he wants to have one more drink. Lets just have one- Oh, come on...", Ji-Un adds as he holds up a one again, only for Ga-On grab his wrist again.

"I'll escort the Prince tonight.", Hyun says as Ji-Un starts to shake his head.

"Lord Jaeun. I'm not drunk. Lord Jaeun! Your Royal Highness! Your Highness! Wait!", Ji-Un says as Ga-On starts to drag him away as Haeun quickly follows them to help Ga-On drag Ji-Un.

"Can't we just have one more drink? Just one, please? May arm! Can you just wait a second? Wait. Please wait. Just one more drink...", Ji-Un says drunkenly, making everyone laugh again.

- Ga-On's POV:

I wrap Ji-Un's arm around my shoulder now and walk him inside a Guest House.

"Listen. Hey. Hey. Im not drunk. I told you Im nkt drunk. Why are you so... Come on. Talk to me. Please. Talk to me.", Ji-Un says as I throw him on the ground.

When I turn around, I see Haeun.

"Haeun?", I ask as I feel someone grab my wrist and look back to see Ji-Un looking at me.

"Just one more. Hmm? Then why don't we have one more drink? I always felt that there was a brotherly bond between us two. You felt it too. Hmm?", Ji-Un says with a chuckle as I look at him.

"Not really.", I tell him as I shake his hand off of me and turn back around.

"What about you, Haeun? Please...", Ji-Un says as he looks at Haeun who is now laughing.

"Not a chance.", I reply as I walk up to Haeun and turn her around.

"Let's go, Haeun...", I say as we start to walk out.

"Hmm, what a heartless person you are.", I hear Ji-Un say as Haeun stops walking, making me almost trip over her as she turns around.

"If he was heartless, he wouldn't have taken you here!", Haeun yells at an almost passed out Ji-Un, making him jolt up as I sigh.

"Haeun, come on...", I say as I turn her back around and push her out of the Guest House.

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