- Chapter 40: (Yakgwa [Honey Cookie])

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- Haeun's POV:

I wake up from the light hitting my face after only a few hours of sleep.

'Why did Ga-On have to do that?! I couldn't sleep! I still can't stop thinking about it!!!', I mentally cry as I get up and change my clothes.

I then go to the Royal kitchen and decide to make some Yakgwa (Honey Cookies) to try and get my mind off of Ga-On.

After I make the cookies, I wrap them in a red cloth and carry them with me as I start to walk around the Palace.

As I walk around, I see Ji-Un dancing around happily while he is walking and carrying something in his hands.

'What's he so happy about?', I think as I laugh at his dancing.

I then decide to follow him and see what he is up to.

I follow him into the Royal Institute as he hides what he was holding behind his back.

"Oh! I see you're back, Royal Tutor Jung.", Choi Man-Dal from the Royal Institute says as Ji-Un chuckles.

"Did you get yours?", Yang Moon-Soo from the Royal Institute asks him.

"Get mine? Get what?", Ji-Un replies, confused as Choi Man-Dal, Yang Moon-Soo, and Park Beom-Du all hold out what Ji-Un is hiding behind his back.

"Uh...", Ji-Un says as he unhides it and shows them it as they all start to laugh.

"Oh, good. He did. You got one too... This is what His Royal Highness said as he handed it to me. 'You went through a great deal regarding the envoys. I seem to only be receiving your help which is why I prepared a gift.', How benevolent is that?", Yang Moon-Soo says with a laugh.

"His eyes were warm, and when he said he hoped I'd enjoy the candies, so sweet.", Choi Man-Dal added with a smile.

"He was also concerned that they may be too sweet for me. He is extremely considerate.", Park Beom-Du adds as he opens his box, showing off his candies.

"Ah! The first in 20 years. The first time in 20 years my hard work was acknowledged.", Yang Moon-Soo says with teary eyes.

"I can finally understand why you broke out into a speech to give him high praise.", Choi Man-Dal adds with a chuckle as I notice Ji-Un doesn't look to happy, but instead, like his heart was broken.

I then see Ji-Un peek inside his box and then close it in disbelief.

'Did he think my brother gave it only to him? Why would Hwi give him the same thing he gave to everyone else?! He did more than those fools over there!', I think as I walk up to Ji-Un.

"Hey Ji-Un!", I say to him as he looks at me surprised.

"Oh, Hey, Your Highness!", He replies as he bows in response.

"What are you doing here?", He asks me.

"Oh, I came to give you these.", I reply as I hand him the Yakgwa I made.

"Really?", He asks me.

"Yeah! I hope you like them! I have to go now, bye!", I reply as I turn around.

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